Choosing a laboratory mixer made easy

A laboratory stirrer is an indispensable part of any modern laboratory. It is used extensively in research involving pharmaceuticals, waste management, industrial chemicals, etc. to stir various compounds to get an appropriate homogenous mixture.

This simple equipment is available in a variety of forms, shapes and sizes to suit the requirements of various applications. Here are a few tips to help you to find a laboratory electric stirrer that suits your needs.

Power source

This is one of the most obvious aspects of a laboratory electrical stirrer that one has to consider. A laboratory stirrer is generally portable and lightweight, and thus comes with an inbuilt electric battery. However, an electric mixer is generally deemed unsafe for use around combustible compounds.

However, one of the biggest advantages of the electric driven mixer is its accurate speed control. An electric mixer is generally equipped with a suitable tachometer and a variable speed control that allows you to change the RPM of the rotor blades. These features of a high-quality laboratory electric stirrer give you greater control over the mixing process. A single speed stirrer might have a very limited scope of use, but a variable speed mixer might come in handy in number of projects.


The availability of additional accessories depends entirely on the make and model of the stirrer. In some cases, the maker might offer additional components as a part of the lab mixer itself. Most kits come with a set of stand, a power head, mounting equipment and a propeller. You might have to purchase any additional accessories separately. When buying aftermarket parts, you ought to ensure that they meet the regulatory standards set by the authoritative bodies. These additional accessories should be easy to clean and not have hard to clean crevices. Any negligence in adhering to these regulatory conditions can lead to contamination in the project taken up by your organization.

Choosing the right stirrer

The markets are saturated with a variety of electric laboratory stirrers of different types and styles, which makes shopping for the right stirrer a challenge indeed. One of the best approaches to buying a laboratory stirrer is to determine its use. The strength and RPMP range of the stirrer is generally determined by the viscosity of the liquid compounds in use.

When buying a stirrer you should also look into the horsepower rating. An equipment with a low horse power rating (in the order of 1/80th HP) has a very limited scope of operations and is useful for smaller volumes of compounds only. As the horse power rating increases, it can be used for more viscous and higher volumes of liquid.

Research well, and buy the right laboratory equipment to make your projects a success.