Make sure that you completed a PMP online course, before sitting on PMP Exam. After completing a 35 hours pm education, you will be satisfying the education prerequisite of pmp exam requirements

When going to the exam place, you should have your PMI examination entrance document and your proof of identity that matches the name you gave earlier on the exam sheets. At the entrance to the examination you will receive a blank sheet of paper where you can make headphones, pencils and solutions.

Information about the exam is given on the computer for 15 minutes. This information relates to the computer keys and commands you can use during the exam. At the beginning of the exam, you will see 1 question each time. If the question is not answered, the answer can be marked to look again in the future.

It can be passed between questions during the exam. Exam questions are not prepared in advance. It is determined when the exam starts and these 200 questions do not change during the exam.

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PMP Examination End

The test score is calculated when the end of the test is over and the participant indicates that the participant is finished. If the participant exam passes, the exam can be taken from the computer and the results can be printed. It is officially documented that you passed the exam.

If no valid score is taken in the examination, PMI sends an e-mail stating the steps for informing and re-examining. You need to pay a test fee to re-enter the exam. The exam room is not expected to be quiet during the exam.

PMP Exam questions

The PMP exam consists of 200 multiple choice questions. The PMP exam includes many situational questions based on knowledge, practice and analysis. Exam questions are randomly generated from the database containing thousands of questions. The questions can jump from topic to topic, or they can refer to different topics in a question.

One correct option is marked for each question. Wrong answers do not lose points.

I recommend you to follow Master of Project Academy. They send the latest and trending news about PMP certification exam.