3 Things to Consider While Choosing a Position for Mounting Radar Signs

As drivers and pedestrians, we would have surely experienced all the dangers that traffic hurls at us. The hazards are numerous, but effective solutions are just a few. Effective solutions become so only when they are efficiently implemented. To get rid of all the adversities caused by traffic, companies like Traffic Logix offer several brilliant solutions. Usage of radar signs is one of the most efficient solutions for traffic management.

Installing a radar sign is a great way of tackling the problem as long as they are positioned rightly. The dynamics behind mounting the radar signs at the right position is better explained in the following sections. Read on!

  • Understand the ‘Where’

Choosing the best location to position the radar signal is important in order to get the most out of it. Free flowing areas and the ones with heavy traffic top the list of such locations. Signs over long stretches of road produce better results as the drivers get to spontaneously make behavioral decisions.

Image result for radar signs

Avoid placing the radar sensors at junctions and along curved paths. Also, do not place them at sights, which support clear cross views. This disturbs and misleads the drivers. Choose locations like highways as the vehicles would obviously be moving at very high speed in such areas. Such paths demand speed limiting guidelines. Radar signs do not only suit the most in such places but also help to the best extent.

  • Focus on the Right Height and Length

Radar displays are very catchy and hence grab the attention of drivers. As the science behind the technology creates a direct impact on the minds of the drivers, the positions of the radar signs play a major role. It is always important to look into the deeper details rather than superficially deciding on the placement.

Mount the displays high such that they are at least 5 to 6 feet above the ground. This enables the drivers of tall vehicles also to get a sight of the displays. The signs must always be clearly visible to the drivers and readable too!

The angle at which the human eye reads the radar displays and the angle at which they are mounted must essentially match. Ideally, the LED displays have a 20 to 30 degree angle of view. This is the angle that grabs the drivers’ attention. Hence, he/she will automatically reduce the speed of driving.

  • Set the Right Sight Length

The radar signs must take over their retina at the right distance. The attribute of sensitivity helps with this. The displays must impact the drivers when they are at a distance of 1000 feet away. As they approach, the signs keep up the impact and most of it relies on the sensitivity ratio.

Radar signs help the best in slowing down the traffic. A busy road would no more be a problem as accurately mounted radar signs would play their role effectively.