5 Major Principles Defined Cloud Computing

Nowadays, cloud computing is the most fashionable term in IT, and almost all IT companies are in the cloud. So how do you define cloud computing? There are five principles for defining cloud computing, and these principles in the future, with the development of cloud computing will not be significant changes to meet these five principles is something called cloud computing the necessary conditions. These five principles are summarized as follows:

  1. Resource pool: Any subscription user can use
  2. Virtualization: Virtual computing resources that maximize hardware utilization
  3. Elasticity: no capital expenditure, you can dynamically stretch
  4. Automation: build, deploy, configure, supply and transfer, all without manual intervention
  5. Measurement billing: the use of resources only by the amount of billing

Here we will video conferencing industry’s well-known brand –ezTalks cloud meeting, to these five principles in-depth analysis:

User requests can be used cloud conference resources ezTalks cloud conference in more than 80 regions around the world are equipped with large-scale cascade server, each server are equipped with multiple virtual conference room, users only need to submit a trial application, you can experience free and stable video communication and cloud conference System diversification of functional applications.

Only the computer will be able to run the cloud meeting

With the most basic office computers, headphones and cameras can use the ezTalks cloud conference without the need for other IT hardware facilities. In addition, ezTalks cloud meeting can also be in the conference room terminal, smart phone terminal, tablet computer terminal running, it can be said that the application of ezTalks is the efficient use of hardware assets, give full play to users around the commonly used IT equipment (computers, mobile phones, ).

Zero initial investment, free expansion / shrink cloud meeting

No need to buy any hardware, no need to install someone to install maintenance, no need to buy products, free download, free installation, users only need an account password to use ezTalks cloud meeting, each increase or decrease a user is equal to increase or decrease a virtual account, Anywhere can be carried out, real-time dynamic expansion.

No need to deploy any prepared cloud meeting

Build a network? No, through the existing ADSL broadband / WIFI / 3G and other networks can be deployed to the conference room facilities? Do not, just sit in front of the computer can open ezTalks; configuration hardware? No, with the most basic computer, camera and microphone can be; need the South and the North video? Need domestic and foreign video? Can all, all of this all by the ezTalks cloud meeting system to complete, without any manual intervention.

We pay for cloud meeting by usage

The flexible rental model allows users to pay for their own personal needs (such as how many parties meet, how long to open, how many times to wait, etc.), users can enjoy unlimited access to ezTalks cloud resources, but only need to The part of the resources they use to pay the