7 Warning Signs of an Attack on Your Office’s Network

A speedy, secure Wi-Fi network is an absolute essential to a modern office. From smartphones to PC, wireless internet connection has evolved to be a must for every appliance.

However, this also means valuable and confidential information is continuously transmitted across your Wi-Fi network, like passwords, sensitive files, and credit card numbers. This, in turn, allows cybercriminals to target your system.

Thankfully, there are many ways to protect your business from such an attack. Perhaps the easiest is to install software for malware protection. This software protects from attacks and will alert you if something suspicious has slipped through its cracks and provide the best plan to remove or stop the attack.

With that being said, if you don’t have protection, how do you know if your network is compromised?

#1 Obvious Malware Infections

One of the first signs of network hacking is unexplainable, unapproved programs newly installed on your devices. If you don’t recognize or remember downloading an application or file, you should try to remove it and run a back-up of your data as soon as you notice.

#2 Spammy Emails

Spam emails sent from one or multiple company email addresses is one sign that indicates a hacked network. Sometimes the hacker will be able to get into real email accounts, or they may create an almost identical address that seems legitimate. The emails usually ask for personal information or come with a harmful attachment or link. This activity uses up the bandwidth and cuts the efficiency, disturbing day-to-day operations, and can destroy devices.

#3 Lots of Random Pop-ups

Getting spam ads from websites that don’t generate them usually means that hackers have either inserted malicious code into the site or used cross-site scripting to dodge security. During such instances, Google will also send you a safe browsing alert informing you about the social engineering activities happening on your website.

Look for error logs and run a malicious scan to verify whether the code is authentic or not.

#4 Your Mouse is Moving Without You Touching It

Do your employees’ mouses move on their own on the screen, or are they not able to control their pointer?

If yes, it is a definite sign that someone is remotely trying to access your computer in search of documents, to read a mail, or to install the malicious software. You need to seek help in such cases as the entire data present in the computer will no longer be safe.

#5 Random, Odd Redirects

When your browser gets redirected to some other sites than the usual homepage, it is probably a hacker working behind the screens. Odd redirects mostly happen due to a virus called redirect virus, and the infection occurs when injected into unwanted browser extensions.

#6 Ransomware Messages

Did you know every 40 seconds a business falls victim to a ransomware attack?

If you receive a ransomware threat pop-up, your network is obviously not secure. Ransomware attacks usually come as messages that appear on the front page of sites restricting access until the hacker receives a specified fee.

If the chances of your business being on the receiving end of a ransomware attack are high, make sure to back up your data regularly. This will help you restore files without having to hand over a hefty sum.

#7 Locked Documents or Encrypted Data

You may be able to identify a ransomware attack before receiving a message if you discover locked documents or encrypted data in your system. In this type of attack, the hacker holds your files hostage until the ransom demands are met.

Storing files in multiple places, and running a daily anti-virus, are few of the proactive measures to protect your company from such attacks.

Timely Reaction Is What’s Important

Taking quick actions once you notice these telltale signs of an attack is crucial. Prompt responses will help prevent significant damages to the organization and save both time and money.