Benefits of RPA Certification in AI Career

Everything we love about our current way of living is a product of intelligence.

Today, we have the opportunity to amplify our human intelligence with artificial intelligence to help our civilization flourish like never before.

As countries race to develop the latest emerging technology, the job market for artificial intelligence is also booming, enticing more people to invest in learning this complex field.

This intelligence explosion has sparked a demand for people who can write and understand the language of machines to create a more effective and fluid system for AI.

RPA and AI: A Match Made in Heaven

RPA and AI are both horizontal technologies that are unique in their interface and goals.

RPA, or robotic process automation, is meant to automate repetitive processes to save businesses and employees time.

AI, on the other hand, is a programmed intelligence that makes decisions or predictions about data based on the rules that people create.

RPA and AI overlap in that AI is the perfect match to analyze, differentiate, and extract unstructured data and use it to improve the output of complex and critical RPA workflows.

This combination is beneficial for companies since it serves as an all-in-one platform that automates end-to-end processes through intelligence functionalities.

How Getting an RPA Certification Can Help You Build a Career in AI

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The rapid growth in the technology sector has made businesses realize how important it is to hire individuals with certain skills.

Specifically, people who have gone through an RPA UiPath certification training course are more sought after.

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Consider this:

A survey conducted by Deloitte in 2018 revealed that 53% of respondents are beginning their RPA journey, with the number expecting to increase to over 70% in the next two years.

What does this mean for individuals aspiring for a career in artificial development?

Well, as we’ve mentioned above, RPA works hand-in-hand with AI in the automation of simple to complex tasks.

Payroll processing, software programming, and even supply chain management are just examples of the many processes that both RPA and AI can handle.

The following are other career benefits to consider when getting an RPA certification:

Benefit 1: You gain more relevant experience and credentials.

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Naturally, someone who is certified in RPA will have an edge over job applicants who don’t.

Automation, such as that in marketing, manufacturing, and data entry, has already begun to take over many of man’s repetitive tasks.

The result is that more people are losing their jobs to machines and computers.

Instead of pursuing a career path in something that will eventually become obsolete, invest in RPA and AI, which are clearly the future.

Benefit 2: You stay up-to-date on the latest AI technology trends.

An RPA certification gives you the opportunity to stay on top of the changes in the industry, which is crucial for anyone who wants to enter this line of work.

While being self-taught is a good way to save money, you may not always be drawing information from the best resources.

Or worse, the information you’re learning may even be outdated.

Benefit 3: You may be able to pick the brains of other RPA developers.

Enrolling in an RPA certification program gives you the chance to interact with like-minded individuals who share the same passions and interests as you.

Who knows? You may even get to rub elbows with people who can open up career opportunities or help you land a job somewhere down the road.

Benefit 4: You can prove your dedication.

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Employers usually appreciate the time and effort that goes into getting certified. With an RPA certification, you not only prove your knowledge but also your dedication towards growth.

While the certification may not seem like a big deal for you at first glance, for demanding employers it can be a primary deciding factor.

Companies that want to scale up are usually only interested in candidates who are qualified for specific positions, and you can bet that an RPA certification can make you a quality hire.

Benefit 5: You can practice applying theoretical concepts to real-life scenarios.

Going through books and videos can provide you with a surplus of theoretical knowledge.

However, only accredited programs can provide you with the necessary tools and environment that lets you test out those concepts that real RPA developers encounter.

Because these certification courses are created by industry experts, you are also given hands-on projects that can contain the effects of mistakes that you make.

This can help build up your confidence in solving complex issues by thinking outside of the box and testing out different theories and concepts of your own.

Benefit 6: You are introduced to the primary tools used in RPA and AI development.

Learning and mastering the different tools associated with RPA and AI development can be difficult to do on your own. Also, not all companies use the same tools.

RPA certification programs can put the right tools in front of you, depending on which specific courses you want to take.

This can have a dramatic effect on improving your employability since you’re already well-versed with the tools that you’ll be using to thrive in an AI-related job.

An RPA Certification Puts You Ahead of the Game

The more time you let pass without getting certified, the more you’re missing out on great career opportunities in the AI industry.

Most companies will view an RPA certification as the minimum training requirement for certain job roles, which is why getting trained in one or more leading RPA platforms is a good start.