Encrypt Your Data In Dropbox The Best Cloud Storage

With the increasing amounts of data generated every moment, it can be pretty terrifying to always be worried about the safety of your data as in the Photos, Videos, DRM Free Movies, Games etc. Without a proper backup solution, you are never safe from permanent data loss. But it is almost impractical for an average user to setup a storage server and bear the huge cost of maintaining it. So, there enters the cloud file storage services. 2017 has seen a significant rise in the adaptation rates of cloud file storage platforms like Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive, Mega etc. However, Dropbox in particular seems to have an edge over its competitors. The reason will be official native Android, Windows, Linux and Mac software for Dropbox.

What Is a Cloud File Storage Service?

The cloud, as mysterious as it may seem, is basically very high capacity servers at the other side of the internet. This makes the required hardware cost for the client very less. For cloud file storage, the companies usually have servers with petabytes or exabytes of storage capacities. The end user is offered a fixed amount of storage space per their account and subscription, where they can store all of their important files and data. There is very low chance of permanent data loss as the storage servers are generally equipped with redundant storage backup solutions which means your data has multiple instances of itself so, even if one hard drive in the server fails, your data will be safe. Your data will be available over an internet connection to all your devices.

Why Dropbox Over Other Solutions?

Dropbox is one of the first and most popular choices for cloud storage. Among all cloud storage solutions available Dropbox gives lowest amount of free storage, 2 GB per account. Dropbox Plus offers 1 terabyte (1000 GB) of storage for a monthly subscription of $9.99. Still there are significant more advantages of using Dropbox over other popular solution like Google Drive. That would be the cross-platform support for Dropbox. Unlike Google Drive which only supports Windows and Android and iPhones, with the available apps for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux and Mac, you can keep all your files and access all your files from anywhere.

What Is CloudMounter?

CloudMounter is a Mac software for Dropbox. It encrypts all of the data traffic from Dropbox. Using CloudMounter you can use Mac’s own Finder to access the Dropbox files. It simply mounts the Dropbox root to your Finder as a network drives. It is mainly targeted towards people who would like to avoid using the official Dropbox application for Mac.

Why Use CloudMounter?

Dropbox is a very secure cloud storage service. It encrypts all the files in its server. But the decryption key is also kept with Dropbox. Some people may not be fine with knowing their data is encrypted by someone else’s key. There enters CloudMonter. CloudMounter encrypts all data and makes sure you can only use them from CloudMounter network drive in the Finder. The way it scrambles the data, makes it impossible to be recovered even if your Dropbox account is compromised. This gives true privacy to the user.

Few Advantages of CloudMounter:

  • Ability to mount as a network drive.
  • Provides one extra layer of encryption.
  • Selective decryption (Users only with key can view/edit file).
  • Other cloud services like Google Drive, One Drive are supported.

Formore information: https://mac.eltima.com/dropbox-encryption.html