Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners

The hardest thing about doing anything is probably getting started and it is not different when it comes to writing. For beginners, there are a lot of questions like where to get writing jobs and how to start. The truth is, most people and companies that pay well will seek seasoned writers. However, there are numerous opportunities for beginners as well, through which they can start their writing and build on it as they develop their writing skills. As a beginner, you have to work your way up to expert level before you attract clients who pay more.

Content Sites

Content sites are a great source for beginners to get jobs and try out their skills as well as learn how to handle clients. Such sites have various jobs which are posted and one does not have to bid for the job. The jobs are open for all. The best-written work per job is picked and that particular writer receives payment while the client receives the written work.

Such sites will help you to improve your writing and research so as to come up with great articles that can be picked as the best. Some of the sites a beginner can look at include contentmart, iWriter, Online Writing Jobs, andBlogMutt.

Freelance sites

Freelance sites are sites that have writing jobs. Thesesites require writers to bid for jobs because they deal directly with the client, unlike content sites where writers simply pick content topics and write. A freelance site is simply a platform through which a writer and a client meet. The writer and the client agree to the terms as well as payment and once the job is done the writer receives payment from the freelance site.

Freelance sites such as Guru,contentmart and Freelancer will offer beginners the opportunity to bid for jobs. There are jobs that are set aside as jobs for beginners or new writers. As the writer gains experience, he or she can bid for jobs that require more experience and expertise.

Writing Job Boards

Writing job boards work similar to other job boards. Companies or individuals who need writers post jobs there and writers apply to be hired. Job boards generally have jobs that are contract jobs or full-time jobs. Although most jobs on the job boards require experienced and seasoned writers. There are jobs posted for beginners and it would be wise to keep on checking for new postings. Some jobs will require you to go to the office while some are online jobs that you can do from home.

Popular writing job boards include; Freelance writing jobs, Project4Hire, and The Write Life Jobs. There are numerous other sites where beginners can visit to find writing jobs.

Content Submission sites

There are websites which accept written submissions and they pay for good submissions which are later posted. Such sites provide a good opportunity for beginners to develop their skills and get to know more about what clients expect in terms of quality. Such sites includeListverse and Cosmopolitan.


Writing can be scary for beginners, but with determination, beginners too can make money by writing for various clients as long as they provide quality and original content. Gradually, they too will develop their writing skills and become seasoned writers.