Mark Twain said something to the effect of, “Everyone talks about the weather but no one does anything about it.” Very clever, indeed. But, along those same lines, one could say, “Everyone wants to be in the movie business but no one does anything about it.” And that’s true for the most part. A lot of people love the whole idea of movie making and storytelling and acting and filmmaking but they just drop out early because they lose confidence and feel that it is too hard to really break into.

To people like Sharath Chandra, however, those negative thoughts simply never occur to them. He had always loved films since he was a young boy in India and he loved photography and storytelling. When he was in college pursuing a computer science degree in Information Technology he took a good look at his life then and what it might be in the future if he didn’t go after what he really wanted to do. Well, the rest is history, as they say. Sharath changed his educational path and moved to the Philippines where he earned a degree in Filmmaking. Then he went back to India and started working as an assistant to a very well-known film director. Sharath just never quit. He moved from project to project always learning something new and then he made another life changing choice: he moved to Los Angeles and enrolled in the prestigious New York Film Academy where he learned even more about filmmaking and earned another degree.

Sharath has worked mainly in the camera department and has been a focus puller and camera operator on severl big budget feature length motion pictures including, Shake Off The World, Borderland and Regen. He has also produced, directed and edited countless short films and worked on many more. Sharath also works regularly at Voxx Studios in Los Angeles where he produces and directs Telenovelas that are aired on Univision, RCN Television and Television Federal.

Someone asked Sharath what advice he would give to people who want to get into the movie industry and he said: “Never give up!” That pretty much says it all as far as a perfect descriptive of Mr. Chandra. He has traveled over nine thousand miles to get to the heart of the movie business and he never gave up once.