Hillary PAC Hired Secretive AI Corp to Dupe Dissenters

New investigations reveal suspicious ties between Correct the Record and Influent Technologies, a company specializing in AI for generating interactive game characters for Chinese tech giants.

MONTEGO BAY – (RATWIRE) – 15 August 2017 – Australian investigators disclosed today supposed ties between the Hillary PAC, Correct the Record, and Influent Technologies, an up-and-coming joint venture company out of the so-called “Ring of Fire,” which specializes in advanced AI and machine learning to generate compelling online personalities to drive user engagement in virtual and online worlds. Former clients of Influent are purported to be Singapore-based Sea, gaming giant Tencent, Snapchat, and many others.

The links between the two companies were discovered by researchers mid-yesterday morning, who examined the source code of known trolls linked to Ms. Clinton’s online campaigning, who realized that a significant cluster of them shared a Google Analytics code: (UA-46042337).

The Daily Beast reports: “Correct the Record, which has received $5 million this campaign season and has spent almost $4.5 million of it, according to OpenSecrets.org, outlined its strategy against ‘swarms of anonymous attackers’ in a press release.”

If these Australian researchers turn out to be correct in their hypothesis, it may turn out that these swarms of anonymous attackers were artificially intelligent agents trained for millions of hours in game worlds to disrupt democracy.