How an Attractive Logo Can Make a Huge Difference in Your Startup’s Success Story

Tens of thousands of new startups are launched every day, but 95% of them never make it past first three years of operations. Have you ever thought why does it happen at a time when there are many tools, technologies and favorable government schemes available to support start-ups?

Well, there are dozens of reasons that may be responsible for it, but the one that stands common in most of the cases is lack of branding & promotion. Most startups are good at product development & service offering, but they fail to engage with their potential customers. In case you are planning to launch a new venture in the near future, then pay a close attention to your branding tactics to avoid any such issue.

Start with creating an attractive logo design and keep on taking other similar initiatives as and when the situation demands,

Graphics & Your Brand Promotion

If you spend some time on social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram, you would understand how crazily businesses are investing in graphic marketing. Given the claims made by various leading research institutes that images get more engagement than text content, you shouldn’t be surprised to see this trend growing in all parts of the world. So, no matter if you have a couple of decades’ experience under your belt or just planning to taste the thrill entrepreneurship brings along for the first time, keep graphical promotion on top of your brand promotion strategy to have a good experience.

Logo & Brand Promotion

A logo is not just a graphical icon representing your venture’s identity, but a tool that communicates the vision and mission of your business to all the potential customers without any manual effort made from your side. This is the reason why all leading brands continue with their logos for years if not decades. So, don’t underestimate the importance of logo for brand promotion.

You may find it unusual but most people judge your business based on its logo; therefore, spend some time, resources, and thought process while preparing a good logo for your business. In case you don’t have required skills to create a good logo, hire a professional firm for logo design. This one step will continue offering you an amazing ROI for many years, so leave no stone unturned when it comes to designing a professional logo for your business.