How Can You Choose the Right IT Managed Services Provider?

Managed IT services can mean great things for your company. The perfect option for an already overworked IT staff or a company that simply can’t afford to build out the resources of a full IT staff, managed services are an ideal option in a number of different situations. They’re typically budget friendly, and they can provide your company with the proactive solutions it needs to ensure downtime is kept to an absolute minimum. After you’ve decide that IT managed services are the right way to meet your needs, though, how do you choose a provider who can help? These tips will move you in the right direction.

  1. Remote Monitoring Help

One of the first things you’ll want to look for with any company is remote monitoring. One of your goals is likely becoming proactive about IT issues rather than reactive, but that’s not the case with every service provider. In fact, if you don’t select a company that offers ongoing remote monitoring, you’re not going to get that kind of proactive service. Ensure the company you select can monitor every workstation, server, network device, and switch, regardless of where it might be located. Any time you have an issue, you should be able to contact help, no matter what time of day it might be or what day of the year it is.

  1. More Than Online Support

While remote support can mean some great things for your company, you need a team that can takes things one step further by offering onsite support as well. Sure, remote support can spot future problems or handle small problems as they occur, but some face-to-face help is absolutely essential, so select a team that offers some hands-on help.

  1. Virtual CIO Help

If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of a virtual CIO, you’ll certainly want to be before you begin to shop for managed IT services. These services often mean handling everything from infrastructure problems to disaster recovery to firewall, virus, and data protection. It’s one of the best ways to create a technology roadmap today and take advantage of the most innovative business technologies available. Even if this isn’t a service you’re ready to take advantage of immediately, it may be one you want to use in the near future, so selecting a company that has it available is an absolute must.

  1. Someone Who Speaks Your Language

It’s easy to get lost in the terminology these days. Understanding the benefits and features of everything that’s out there can be complex, so choosing a company that can explain each option to you in terms you actually understand is essential. Your investment in the right technology shouldn’t confuse you. Instead, you should be clear on what you want and how it will help you. Along with that, though, your managed services provider should also help you understand how your industry competitors are using the same technology.

Selecting a managed services provider doesn’t have to be complex. These tips are the perfect way to remove the confusion and make the right choice!