How email verification works and why is it important?

What is email verification?

The procedure of verifying an email helps to confirm that the person getting the email is trustworthy. The process involves emailing a code or authorization link to an email address, which the person who receives it must click to start using from their mailbox. Keep in mind that “email address verification” and “email verification” are different. This is an additional phrase for verifying that an email address is operational, properly structured, and able to receive emails.

Learn how to verify emails online

Email validation and email verification

As email verification uses both frontend and backend development, it is a more involved process than email validation. On the other hand, email validation typically applies to the front end as it verifies email structure, identifies mistakes, and stops them from being uploaded into your interfaces.

Why is email verification necessary?

The chance that your emails will be ignored without authentication is one of the key reasons why you should always validate them. Verification also improves inbox positioning and avoids problems like bouncing of emails. The problem is that a lot of harsh bounces damage the credibility of the sender. Your deliverability suffers as a result of the negative image, which eventually lowers your open rates, clicks, and rates of conversion.

Sending emails to unsuccessful addresses regularly will result in your email advertisements landing in the junk bin. The effectiveness of your email marketing strategy is based on the precision of both your filtering lists as well as your email list. The modifications have the aim to enhance email delivery and customer service while lowering spam and boosting protection.

Email verification tools

Email verification tools are common in certain circles and among marketers. They carry out the email verification process’s validation step. However, remember that premium email verification agencies aren’t always free. Some procedures are provided and paid for independently. Simply create an account for free on any of the several websites that offer this service.

Best practices for email verification

  • Connect continuous API: Most of the technologies available may be integrated into your process or website to verify that, when a new client arrives, you are getting the correct data through SMTP, the Domain Name System, and syntax inspections. For registration sites such as demonstration forms, trial period registrations, restricted-access forms, and others, API integration may be quite helpful.
  • Add safety precautions: You must put restrictions in place like activation link expiry time to improve the safety and reliability of your email authentication procedure and safeguard customer and company data.
  • Offer instructions: Provide customers clear directions as well as input at every stage of the process to help them finish it more quickly and enjoy an improved experience.


Increasing the quality of your email verification is only one strategy for increasing the delivery of emails. You can make sure your emails get to the appropriate inboxes of the recipients and maintain their interest by integrating them with powerful email testing software.