How Product Titles Play an Important Role for Sellers on Amazon?

Every other seller on Amazon is either looking for the miracle or some success-mantra that make them stand out as the one dominating the world’s’ biggest marketplace. And those who are way too unrealistic even dream of waking up as Jeff Bezos. Not taking anything away from them; dreams do come true but if you strive for it and execute your plans rightly. Coming straight to the point, every seller wants his/her product standing atop, outsmarting the counterparts and then winning buy box on Amazon, but to be very honest it isn’t as easy pie as there’s great competition to win it.

In case, who think that getting the positive reviews and the good customer feedback is good enough to make them stand Atop; of course, they are barking at the wrong tree as getting top on searches requires you to think and execute something out-of-the-box. And if you’re lucky enough to come up on the top searches, it doubles your chances to increase the sales on this platform, plus the putting directly into cart (buy box) option remains there as well.

Those who are still denying that what can be equally important to timely deliveries, selling high-quality products and maintaining the customer convenience, need to be well aware that there is an essential thing in technology world nowadays known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and it’s equally applicable on Amazon as well. It won’t come out as a shocker to many that Amazon has its own search algorithm, which determines the placement of your item on the pages when a certain relevant search is being made.

Amazon Product Titles, Successful Selling and A9

The appearance is the second thing to look out for as the name is most important out of it. For instance, when you go out for dinner and thought of trying some new cuisine, what attracts you most is the name or the title of it as it unfolds all the basic details about it and you opt one falling under your likeness. Same goes for when a shopper is up on Amazon, the first thing that gets him on the edge of the seat is the product title, plus it also determines you positioning up on searches. Though a buyer is quite clear what he’s looking to buy on this platform, the title set up in response to the query or search he made on Amazon can change his mind in quite a bit. Moreover, the comprehensive title which keeps the buyer searching view in accordance is likely to win the race. But still, the question remains there what a product title should include on Amazon?

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Half of the experts believe that it should be precise with including all the details like product name, quantity, and color but remaining half contrary to that push the sellers to fill in the 250 characters of the product like there’s no tomorrow. So which one is your cup of tea as both factions have a solid backing to their points? As per our rundown regarding the product titles, you need to utilize the 250 characters to the fullest but be precise about the information regarding that. To be very clear, you need to put in the keywords rightly, discuss the highlights of this item and also cover quite much detailing about the product as well. Just to let you know, Amazon’s search algorithm A9 keeps in view the searches being made on the marketplace so be sure what you write is for humans; not for the robots or machines.

How to Rank your Products on Amazon?

As mentioned above the product title stays the most integral part to get your products appeared on top when it’s about the relevant searches in this regard. Let me tell you the guide to get your searches on top isn’t yet over with only taking the product title in preference as there’s much more to it. The other essences to get success this way is Product Photos, Key Features, Product Description, Product Reviews and Product Rating.

With all the above-mentioned components, the SEO chapter is covered and what other thing that make you climb successfully on Amazon is your account health metrics; if both of them are going right, no one can actually stop you from winning the race on Bezos’ web store.

Amazon Product Title Optimization

The product listing on Amazon means a lot and same goes for the optimization to get the best results out of it. The optimization means using the resources in the effective way possible and when we talk about replicating this term in the product titles, it means utilizing the 250 character limit rightly, without spamming or creating hoopla. What we feel regarding the product title optimization is you can go on force stuffing the keywords but you are supposed to set them in a way they look immaculate in the first glance and catchy too so they could attract the buyers.

Amazon Keyword Tips

Every seller who has just got hands on the basic SEO of this marketplace wants to win the race with ease just by setting the keyword. Therefore, many of the sellers consume their precious time inquest of the keywords as they believe they can be the game changer for them in the first place. But it isn’t a fairy tale going on where things will change that easy; obviously, the keywords are an essential part of SEO but you don’t need to get indulge into them to an extent that you actually forget the other key ingredients to stand out as a successful seller. It will be pertinent to mention here that the keywords placement is a thing that is overlooked by many of the sellers and that is what makes them look thin among counterparts. It would unfold as a revelation to many that 95% product listings on Amazon aren’t optimized rightly.

Amazon Title Format

Amazon is the guider themselves too when you’re trying to get the product combination title right while keeping in view the format for it. The first thing $1 billion-valued company want you to do is use uppercase letter for each of the words you’re using in the title, write measurement complete not just the SI unit, for instance, Ounce, Pound, Inch instead of in or oz. Moreover, numerals should be used instead of the numbers and Ampersands shouldn’t be used unless it’s the part of the product name. The promotions regarding discount shouldn’t be embedded in the product title and the same goes for the seller’s individual information.

Amazon Title Builder

As many of the sellers on Amazon or particularly the newbies are noob so they find SEO and this entire thing going way above their head, that’s what creates space for the third parties related to IT make things go in their favor. The title builder is one such portal that helps you set the product title while keeping in view the Amazon search algorithms in consideration. It also sets the relevant keywords in your product title.

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Amazon SEO

So, here we are going to breakdown the SEO enigma on Amazon for you; it’s dependent on three algorithms one of it is the conversion rate, the other is keyword relevancy and then comes the turn for the customer satisfaction. The product title still remains inevitable for your success in this marketplace as that is what to prove your relevancy to the certain query in the first place.

Amazon Product Title Character Limit 2018

The 250 characters can be simplified as something in between 30-35 words, and that’s more than enough for the product title. What we would like to suggest you is go on using it to the fullest with getting the entire major highlight and the keywords getting fixed in the title.

External Traffic to your Seller Account

If the SEO part is spot on and the account health is also right there and still you’re lagging to win the race as compared to your counterparts on your platform; you need to push yourself for another mission that is to get the external traffic to your seller account and items. If you do so with all your potential, we guarantee you the boom in your sales like never before.

In case you’re curious to know about the means that can get you the external traffic, social media is the utmost important thing and then comes your own blogs and websites. Moreover, you can also place Ads on different portals and websites that get the Netizens redirected to your seller account.  A pro tip that can work wonders for your sales is you can attract the non-buyers as well apart from Amazon grabbing the attention of the buyers specifically.