IP or Analog Video Security – Which is Best?

IP simply stands for Internet Protocol and IP camera refers to high-tech cameras that can quickly send data through a computer network remotely. On the other hand, analog cameras refer to cameras that can only send their footage to a Digital Video Recorder (DVR). Ip cameras have better picture qualities with some having motion detectors and night vision. As such, it is evident Ip cameras are superior to the Analog cameras in nearly all ways. Below are some of the reasons you should consider installing IP cameras.

  • Picture Quality and Video Analysis Capacity

From experience, you will never find an analog surveillance camera that beats any IP cameras on image resolution. At its best, an analog camera will capture basic pictures and videos that one cannot zoom in or out without getting a blurred image or video. Besides, analog cameras capture images and videos over a small area as compared to IP cameras. On the other hand, IP cameras have superior video quality on matters concerning resolution and have a can capture footage over a wide area.Image result for IP or Analog Video Security - Which is Best?

Additionally, IP cameras have superior analysis capabilities as they can help process data from the footage. For instance, you can enable face recognition abilities which alert you whenever a particular person gets close to your premises. On the other hand, analog cameras lack such analytical features. As such, you have to spend hours going through a given footage for you to get to a given or a person.

  • Installation

Technology has made it easy to install IP cameras as you do not have to use lots of cables to facilitate connection to the central servers. You can get cameras that work independently such that destroying one camera does not affect the functionality of the other cameras. Nonetheless, analog cameras require complicated procedures as linking of the cameras to the primary server requires specific cameras that are only compatible with a particular type of CCTV cameras.

  • Ease of upgrading

Most companies have upgraded their surveillance systems from an analog system to a digital one, and it requires lying down of entirely new infrastructure as the two systems are not compatible in any way. Besides, upgrading of the systems to latest digital surveillance systems is inevitable if you have to maximize your returns on investment. Nonetheless, upgrading from one version of IP system to another is relatively a cheaper venture as it does not require substantial financial investment as most systems are compatible.

  • Scalability

When you start adding more surveillance cameras to your existing surveillance system, migration to digital cameras is the most logical option you have. You can easily add 4K high-resolution cameras to your current system of IP cameras with ease without having to conduct a system overhaul of your surveillance system. As such scaling from an analog system is much complicated as compared to an IP one as IP systems require few technicalities and software upgrades.

  • Manageability

It is easier to maintain and manage IP systems due to their remote access capacity. On the other hand, you can only access footage from an analog system by physically getting to the servers. Besides, IP systems require fewer system upgrades and hardly break down as opposed to analog cameras that require close monitoring to check on their condition and wiping dust from their lenses.

In conclusion, IP cameras carry the day anytime in any situation as they provide excellent footage covering. Besides, system monitoring and servicing of analog cameras are complicated as it requires following complex procedures. Thus, consider installing IP cameras in your premises and you are assured of peace of mind and efficient monitoring.