MilesWeb WordPress Hosting Review For High Traffic WordPress Website

Being a technical person or blogger, you must have heard about WordPress, right?  And I assume that you must have used it once in your career or are using it on a daily basis. Being an experienced person in hosting since last 3 years, I have come across this question why high traffic WordPress website face such issues like downtime, website overload and account suspension. Your hosting provider may be responsible for such circumstances. There can be many reasons, but I have noticed that in spite of being famous CMS, WordPress users still search for the top WordPress hosting providers for growing sites. In this post, I will highlight the review of high traffic WordPress hosting provider that you can consider to host your growing website or switch to this provider.

MilesWeb WordPress Hosting

I found MilesWeb hosting provider on one of the review sites and firstly I tried the demo of their service. But later I was pretty sure that they are the best provider for high traffic WordPress website in India. MilesWeb offers standard WordPress hosting for all types of bloggers and websites at affordable price. However, a non-tech individual can easily operate without any hassle. You can set your blog or website within a minute with the help of their WordPress hosting. MilesWeb offers value for money for all the plans and is the perfect combination of the reliability, speed and quality.

Why is MilesWeb Hosting unique?

Image result for Why is MilesWeb Hosting unique

MilesWeb hosting is a unique provider for WordPress website because they offer latest SSD hardware that assures high performance along with the latest plugin, themes, automated backups, anytime money back, 99.95 uptime and 24*7 support. Below mentioned are some additional reasons that will help you to know why MilesWeb is unique:-

1) Pre-installed plugins:-

You don’t need to worry about different plugins because MilesWeb WordPress plan includes pre-installed plugin. These plugins ensure that website performance will improve and you can access the best functions.

2) Isolated account:-

MilesWeb assures that your website is located separately as compared to other users on the same server.

3) Managed WP:-

MilesWeb offers Managed WordPress hosting with 24*7 support under continuous monitoring of the servers. In case, you are the newbie to WordPress and require theme for your website then MilesWeb makes sure that you get superior themes that can get installed in a few clicks.

4) Latest update:-

Your WordPress will get updated automatically, you do not need to worry about manually updating.

5) Free WordPress migration:-

Fed up with your existing provider? Switch to MilesWeb without investing a single buck. You can migrate your website data without facing downtime and this is completely free of cost.

6) Datacenters choice:-

MilesWeb datacenters are located in USA, UK, India and Romania. While signing up, you can select your server location and if you want to host your website on any other server then you can opt for the CDN service.

7) Support service:-

This is all time good feature for the newbie who has started  the blog recently and not aware of technical terms. You can raise your query any time and get in touch with them through chat, email and phone. Apart from this, there are departments that handle your sales, billing and abuse related issues and complaints.

8) Backups:-

Due to growing competition, there might be chances that your website may get hacked or attacked by hackers. Therefore, it is all time safe to take the backup of data to avoid such harsh situation. MilesWeb offers cloud-based backup service powered by Acronis that safeguards your online systems, mobile and other devices all the time. However, this is an optional feature and it is your choice whether to include it or not.

Let’s take a look on the MilesWeb WordPress Plan:-

From above screen shot you can see that they offer three plans:-

1) Classic

2) Plus

3) Infinite

All three plans are best and prices are set on different scales and it is your call which plan you are looking to host as per your requirement. As you can see that plans are ideal for those who are looking to incorporate their blogs or eCommerce site that requires a lot of data management. However, with the instant upgrade option, you can upgrade your plan anytime.


The MilesWeb WordPress hosting plan is the best option for those who are looking to host their new blog/website or willing to switch your current hosting provider. As we all know that reliability and speed are the crucial factors in web hosting industry and MilesWeb is the one that completely does justice with their customers. Looking for Cheap Dedicated Server India? Check MilesWeb dedicated hosting plans.