Offshore Software Development, Distributed Software Development and Agile

“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. – Stephen Hawking

What is offshore software development? What is Agile, and how does it affect the success of distributed software development teams? I realise that these terms sound very technical and complicated; however, there are simple and concise explanations for all of these concepts.

Furthermore, if you need turnkey software for your own business, it is a good idea to consult with an offshore software development company as they know how to leverage Agile development in a distributed environment to produce a quality end product.

Before we take a closer look at the advantages of working with an offshore development company that utilises these concepts, let’s attempt to garner a better understanding of the terms “Agile Development”, “Distributed Software Development”, and “Offshore Software Development”:


According to Wikipedia, “Agile software development describes a set of principles for software development under which requirements and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of self-organizing cross-functional teams.

In other words, Agile is a particular project management methodology which is meant to be quick and light, yet highly effective. Its aim is to empower collaboration and teamwork, and it is designed specifically for teams made up of people with different functional expertise, and who are working towards a common goal.

In essence, the Agile principles support the current definition as well as the ongoing evolution of basic software development methodologies; therefore, it is suitable for encouraging the successful development of high-quality software.

Distributed Software Development

In a nutshell, distributed software development is a “research & development (R&D) project that is done across multiple business worksites or locations.” It is important to note that the essence of this definition is that project members do not necessarily see each other face to face; however, they are all work together on the same project from their individual locations.

It goes without saying that the ease with which people from different parts of the globe can communicate with each other via the Internet, has contributed, and continues to contribute to the success of distributed software development projects.

Unfortunately, it must also be stated that, due to the distributed nature of the software development team, the principles of distributed software development can run the risk of developing potential quality issues. The good news is that, by proper supervision and management, this risk can be mitigated to a large extent.

Offshore Software Development

Finally, offshore software development is

Finally, offshore software development, or offshore outsourcing, is the process where the actual research, coding, and testing of the computer software is completed overseas, or in a different global country to the country of origin. The term outsourcing indicates that the required work is completed by people who are not directly employed by the source company. This concept is made possible by the current high-speed network and Internet connections that connect people from the different parts of the globe.

Final Thoughts

By leverage the principles of Agile project management, offshore software development, and distributed software development, companies are able to leverage global skills and save money in order to be more price-competitive in the marketplace.