Online Dating: Different Ways to Exercise Caution and Stay Safe

Online dating sites like Tinder have presented to us a new way of making friends and even finding our potential partners. The downside to it is the safety of the users. While a lot of these sites are encrypted and make sure to screen the members, there are still those that do not.

To stay safe when using online dating sites, it’s best that you remember the tips below.Related image

Do not Disregard What Your Instincts Tell You

Your instincts serve as early warning signals. If you feel uncomfortable or awkward towards a person, it surely does tell you that something undesirable might happen sooner or later. Stop communicating with that person immediately.

Look for Inconsistencies

Be on the look for inconsistencies. If you feel that the person is too good to be true, then he or she might not be true at all. Lying is easily done when you don’t see the person typing on the other side of the screen, so you have to be careful.

Refrain from Giving Out Your Personal Information

Your personal information includes your full name, home address, telephone number, etc. Knowledge of this information might lead them to access other more sensitive information like your bank account. Control what you share online. Be cyber safe. Ask for more security tips from the internet service.

Know the Person behind the Picture

To make sure that the person is genuine and is not only using someone else’s identity, you have the option to ask for an audio or a video interaction. You might not be able to decode his or her intentions with this, but at least you know that the person behind the default picture and messages is really the person you are talking with and that it is not just a snatched picture.

Be Wary When Money Enters the Picture

Is the person asking you for money? Is he or she requesting you to buy products for him or her and send them over? Do you think he is making up stories about financial emergencies? If money enters the picture, it is definitely a scam.

Confirm their Integrity

There are a various ways to confirm the integrity of a person. You may want to repeat asking the same question and see if they give the same exact answers. Do a background check through other social media platforms to see if the information he or she has shared with you is consistent enough.

Meet Safely

If the time for you to meet up comes, consider the following safety precautions:

  1.    Meet him or her in your meeting venue.

Drive yourself or plan your own transportation. If he or she is volunteering to pick you up, disregard the idea.

  1.    Meet during the day.

Meeting at night time is never a recommended idea especially if it is your first time meeting the person.

  1.    Choose a public place.

Meet in a place where there are lots of people. Meeting in a private place is never a good idea. You would not have the chance to ask for help when your date turns undesirable.

  1.    Tag someone along

If you’re really worried, then bring a friend that can be on the lookout. At least someone would be there for you in case something happens.


You are in charge of your own safety and protection, so always be a step ahead in cases where you are still uncertain about a person you just met online.