Parking Lot Management: 3 Questions to Determine Which Type of Delineators You Need

Directing traffic in the parking area is an important part of ensuring that your events go as planned from the moment that guests arrive. While your traffic team should always be equipped with the proper safety gear, delineators also play a role in letting people know where to go from the moment they enter the parking area. As you plan for traffic control, use these questions to guide your decisions regarding why type of posts best fit your needs.

What Type of Surface Is Your Lot?

Parking areas can range from your typical asphalt style to more rustic surfaces such as gravel or dirt. There is a specific type of mount required for each type of surface, and choosing the right one ensures that your posts maintain stability and flexibility in the event of impact. If your lot is soil, gravel or grass, then delineators with drivable soil mount bases are ideal. These involve a long tube that is driven deep into the soil that your post and the guest’s vehicle are both protected if there is an accidental impact. For hard surfaces such as concrete or asphalt, you will use a fixed base that is permanently glued down so that all you have to do is attach the post as needed for your event.

Are You Concerned About Visibility?

Events that involve large crowds of pedestrians or areas that are closed off to vehicular traffic should always have highly visible posts to increase safety. This is also important if you are planning events or using the parking area during night hours when driver visibility is limited. Delineators can be marked with reflective tape to increase a driver’s ability to see them during poor driving conditions. This adds an extra layer of safety to your parking management strategies. You can also choose from several different colors for your posts. While orange is most commonly used for construction areas, white, yellow and red can all make them more visible depending upon the other colors in the surroundings.

Does Your Traffic Flow Patterns Change?

Venues that host temporary events often have parking needs that require changes in the traffic flow design plan. If this applies to your venue or event, then you will need to select delineators that allow for easy movement. For these situations, magnetic bases are ideal because they are designed to be temporarily deployed, and their easy removal tool only requires one person to get the job done.

Maintaining safe traffic flow not only allows guests to feel comfortable from the moment they hit your property, but it also ensures safety for pedestrians and event staff. With the right type of posts, your crew can easily direct traffic while knowing that drivers have a visual cue to guide them in the right direction.