The Rising Trend of Cord Cutting and Its Implications

If you’ve ever dealt with the customer service department of a major cable company, it’s apparent  the industry is still stuck in the 90s. However, we are in the 21st century and we don’t have to hold on to the cable companies even now. Today, there is an increasing number of cord cutters dumping cable for more flexible and customized options like web-based guides.

The Impact of Cord Cutting on Cable Companies

There’s no doubt that a wild storm is brewing on the horizon for the major cable companies. The first two quarters of 2017 have not been good for media firms facing the impact of cord cutting. The rising cord cutting trend has turned out to be the greatest concern for cable and media companies. Many aggregated web-based guides, including SelectTV have started offering online services for cord cutting users consumers who are ditching their cable packages in favor of other options.

This growing cord cutting movement is posing a major threat to major cable companies like Comcast, Spectrum, Dish, and Cox. According to TechCrunch, a report by MoffettNathanson shows that the pay cable companies lost almost 762,000 subscribers in the first quarter of 2017, This record statistic reveals a significant shift in consumer preference over an abbreviated period of time.

Cord cutting took a toll over the media stocks leading to a significant fall in the second quarter of 2017. Reports of shockingly high cord cutting paired up with low box office and ad sales negatively affected the media stocks.

Why Cut Your Cable Connection?

Cutting cable TV meant sacrificing traditional channels like Discovery, Comedy Central, and AMC. However, the fresh wave of alternatives has eradicated the need for such sacrifices. We do agree that cable television still presents some great shows, though it’s no longer necessary to pay as much to get them, especially when you can cut the cord.

With cable bills usually approaching $200 and rising, consumer’s growing frustration with their TV service is far from surprising. By cutting the cord, you can end up saving hundreds of dollars per month and thousands of dollars annually.

Apart from the lower monthly costs, you can also benefit from the endless content accessible via alternate means. Further, it’s good to know that you won’t pay for any channel you would never watch. Instead, you pay for channels you love to watch.

With these rewarding reasons, there’s no reason to say no to cutting your cable connection.

How Can You Cut Your Cable with SelectTV?

SelectTV is an aggregated web-oriented guide to online video, fetching content from many premium and free online video sources presenting them as a unique experience. This includes innumerable television episodes, movies, streaming channels, online radio stations, live events, and more, all from legitimate sources including Hulu, Crackle, Netflix, Amazon, iTunes, and others. SelectTV shows it has a clear advantage over cable, making them a compelling choice in online entertainment.

What can SelectTV Offer You?

SelectTV has a lot to offer its subscribers, which makes it a compelling choice.

  • The best part of SelectTV is that it is compatible with popular devices like Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, and Android TV boxes.
  • SelectTV includes a free antenna for OTA channels on your television to complement nearly one million movies and TV shows available in its database.
  • It includes pay-per-view deal finder and up to date prices from all legitimate pay-per-view services available online. Subscribers never have to pay more than they need to.
  • What makes it an even more convincing option to try out is that there are other bonuses like $100 in trial offers from Netflix, Hulu, HBO Now, Amazon, CBS All Access, and many more.
  • There are more than 30,000 radio stations, games, and more.
  • With Kodi under fire from law agencies, SelectTV serves as the perfect 100% legal alternative.

Now is the right time to finally bid goodbye to cable subscriptions and welcome online television. As new technologies continue to evolve, it really is a brave new world for television.