Tips on How to Open MOV Videos

MOV is a QuickTime file that is mainly used for saving movies. A MOV file can contain several tracks with different types of media data. It is suitable for storing video, audio, and subtitles. So, you have downloaded a MOV video and you want to know how you can open this video file.

Open it on a Compatible Media Player

To open MOV videos, you must use a media player that recognizes the format. There are some extensions that resemble the MOV format like the. MOVIE file extension. If you see this type of format, you can try to rename the extension to.MOV.

Not all media players can open MOV files. If it does not support the file, you will see a blank screen in the video player when you load the video. It may also pop up an error prompt that asks you to install a codec. You will have to search online to download the free codecs.

Many free codecs are error and don’t work as they should. Therefore, you may have to install a few codecs until you find one that can work for the media player where you want to play the MOV video. You can ask someone more experienced to help you in finding the codec if you are not knowledgeable in searching for the codec online.

Use a Free Online Video Converter

Another option is to use a free online video converter to convert the MOV video to another format that can be opened in your media player. MOV is a compressed format and the video quality may not be crisp and detailed. If you want a higher quality version of the video, you can convert it to another format such as MPEG.

You must make sure you have a stable internet connection to convert MOV to MPEG format otherwise you will have to restart the file uploading. A stable internet connection is also important for successfully downloading the video you convert. During the video conversion, make sure you don’t switch to another tab as it can interrupt with the conversion process.

Upload the Video to a Cloud Storage

There are only a few cloud storage that supports MOV videos. One such cloud storage is the Google Drive which offers up to 1TB free storage for you to upload your video. It supports streaming MOV videos on most browsers and mobile devices.

Upload and Stream the Video on YouTube

Besides Google Drive, you can also upload it to YouTube and play it directly on the video sharing platform. You just need to register for a free Gmail account and you will be able to log in on YouTube to upload the video file. YouTube has a large file size limit of 128 GB. You can delete the video you uploaded on your account after you finish watching it.

Use a Video Converter Plugin

You can use a video converter plugin if you think about converting your MOV video after uploading it on YouTube. You will have to install the video converter plugins from the plugins section of your browsers like Chrome or Firefox. Like the online converter, there is also an upload file size limit.

Don’t Mistake MOV with other Similar Video Extensions

Sometimes, the file won’t open because you mistake the extension. Many people confuse video extensions because they have look-alike names. For example, the MAV file extension resembles the MOV file. MAV is a Microsoft Access file so you cannot open it with a media player. Many people also mistake MKV file with MOV file. Media players that support MOV file usually cannot open MKV videos.