USB C headphone adapter

USB C is a term we all have heard. There are several kinds of USB C devices. We often hear about USB porta and cables that allow us to transfer files from one device to another or connect peripherals such as any displays or high-speed storage devices. But there is one more thing about our versatile USB-C, the feature, or you can say the key feature, the USB C headphone adapter. It allows you to transmit audio in smartphones to other devices. Now you probably have a question that if we have to transmit audio, we can use audio jacks.

Why’d we chosen the C adapter over that?

Well. There are basic yet huge differences between the traditional audio jacks and the moderin9 versatile USB C headphone adapter. However, understanding the difference between these two devices much more than knows the adapter’s advantages and disadvantages. The first thing is how the sound waves come from your computer to your speaker with vibrations. The vibration is the real thing that comes in intervals and travels through your ears to mind. That’s how you vibe to a song. Then the vibrations and sound waves pass through DAC, amp, etc. At last, the computer interprets the converted signal and reaches the headphone or adapter.

Usage of USB C adapters

There was a time when companies would provide a 3.5mm jack with mobile phones. However, they no longer provide the jack. For such a situation, you only have Bluetooth and USB C to help you transmit audio from your phone to speakers or some other devices. Using Bluetooth speakers or 3.5mm jacks or headphones seems to be more comfortable as an interface because they have their own DACs and Amps, allowing them to convert the signal and play the music.

However, with a USB C headphone adapter, it is different from the rest. In the case of a USB C adapter, the audio data must be either digital or analog to transmit. If it sends an analog signal to the paired device, it will not require any conversion, but it requires conversion into an analog if it sends a digital signal.

Types of USB C adapter

There are two major types of USB C, one is the passive adapter, and another one is the active adapter. One must understand the basic difference between these two kinds of USB c adapters for a better experience. Some smartphones contain an onboard DAC in their processor. Such devices make sure to send the audio data to their own DAC before sending it to through the port. All kinds of USB C adapters work for it. Moreover, the headphone might not need their DAC to convert the signal into an analog signal before sending it through the USB C port. It is the passive USB C headphone adapter.

The devices that send the audio data through the USB C port as a digital signal will require their own DAC and Amp. It is an active USB C headphone adapter.


The article provides a clear idea about the adapters and how you can get help from them.