What Anti-Ransomware Software Should You Choose?  

Ransomware is becoming a massive problem, and the number of infections from malicious programs such as this is expected to increase as we move into 2017. Ransomware is like a virus that infects your system. When the infection takes hold, a program is initialized which locks your files, then encrypts them, meaning access to your files is not possible unless you pay a “ransom”. Sometimes this ransom can extend into the thousands of dollars. Even when you pay the ransom, there has been cases where the files were not unencrypted. So, what are the best anti-ransomware software products on the market today? Read our review below of two of our recommended anti-ransomware programs, Crypto Monitor and MalwareBytes Anti-Ransomware.

 Crypto Monitor3

CryptoMonitor comes highly recommended from a plethora of security industry experts, which is why it is our number one rated anti-ransomware software. It is unique from other anti-ransomware programs because it offers real-time protection to your system. Some of its competitors only repair your system after the malicious code has taken effect and locked and encrypted your system. It is able to detect ransomware by tricking the ransomware into interacting with a decoy that alerts the system to block the program. If this happens, the system is put into lock down to prevent the program from taking hold of your system.

It can also detect ransomware using what they call a “count” function. This manages and counts the number of different processes that are ongoing and the way these processes interact with each other. If there are any anomalies which suggest ransomware has taken hold, then an alert will sound.

 Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware3

 Malwarebytes is a well-known name for its anti-malware offering. They say they are determined to fight the scourge of ransomware when they launched the beta software in January 2016. Like CrytpoMonitor, the Malwarebytes offering attempts to intercept any ransomware before it locks and encrypts your system. They are hoping for people to test the software and report any findings before it is then integrated and added to their main anti-malware program.

Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware manage to identify and protect systems from the most dangerous ransomware programs from its very first beta version. Subsequently, they said that there will be no chance that your system would become infected from difficult to detect ransomware programs such as CryptoLocker, CTB Locker, aswell as Cryptowall. It is also setup to protect your system against any new ransomware programs that may be released in the future, since the software has been made to identify any markers or behaviors that a ransomware program may exhibit.

Because it is in beta testing, it is not the finished article. There will be reports of a few bugs and glitches, but this normally happens with recently released software. Hopefully this will not affect its performance when trying to detect and protect your system against ransomware. For other anti-ransomware software solutions, have a look at http://www.internet.network, where there is a more comprehensive guide.