What Are The Benefits Of Blogging In Digital Marketing: A Way To Strengthen Your Customer Relationship

Some websites don’t feature their blog prominently on their homepage because they only see it as one of the first steps in the sales process, but that’s not its only purpose. Well-thought-out promotional blogs like in ecommerce digital marketing services for example create a different customer relationship than traditional promotional channels.

Blogs aims to establish an in-depth dialogue with customers before and after the purchase of products. The informative nature of blogs also makes them a great tool for telling customers how to get the most out of their purchases. Making sure your customers fully know how to use your products and their benefits is a great way to build loyalty. Having a blog-like section on your site helps make it more dynamic, which is essential if you want your visitors to come back for a visit, as Verme Media founder AJ Agrawal explains in Forbes magazine:  

“One of the biggest reasons people don’t return to a brand’s website is that it’s stagnant with no ecommerce seo strategy. They have no reason to return because they’ve seen it all. A blog gives them a reason to keep coming back for more. They know that every week or two, there will be new content for them to consume.”

Blogs also help improve the conversion rate of new customers. New visitors considering buying from you will scroll through your pages to decide if they should trust you and your brand. A well-written and recently updated blog conveys a sense of dedication to your field, professionalism, and expertise. 

So, of course, I’m not advising you to put your smartphone in a blender for your blog, but, who knows, maybe by experimenting with interesting content ideas in your blog, you’ll come across something that will allow you to reach a much wider audience.  

For example, have you ever heard of the series “Will It Blend?” of the Blend Tec company? In this wacky series, a man in a white coat runs everything from an iPhone to a Justin Bieber CD to a Big Mac through the blender. Will it blend? Undoubtedly offers an offbeat approach to content marketing, but this series has boosted the company’s visibility worldwide by giving it a fun and quirky image that appeals to young people while demonstrating the solidity and power of its mixers.  

Invest In Your Communication

Professionalizing your communication will allow you to distinguish yourself from other firms that have not taken the same approach. Whatever the budget you devote to it with your resources, consider it an investment to achieve your short, medium, and long-term objectives. Know that in marketing, communication is the key to your success. Everything happens through communication. Make it better compared to your competitors. If so, you will see that your business will constantly be evolving.