What CDNsun Offers Today

CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a network of servers dispersed around the world and used to enhance the speed of content delivery to its target audience. Using such a kind of service seems to be quite beneficial as it’s able to:

  • Speed up the website  (when you use a CDN, you let your web content images, JS files, CSS files and etc. be copied and placed on various servers around the world. Every time your final user wants to browse your website (especially, if he or she lives far from your initial server’s location), he gets data from the server located closer to his place of residence at a high speed);
  • Reduce the initial server’s load and supply additional domains (Copying and placing web content on the servers located around the world may decrease the load on the initial server as the information will be downloaded from these servers to the target users who live nearby. A CDN will also provide you with additional domains and let you increase the number of the simultaneous files downloads made by the browser);
  • Pre-cache files;
  • Reduce latency and packet loss;
  • Save you money.Image result for What CDNsun Offers Today

The number of CDN vendors is rather big nowadays, and sometimes it’s quite difficult to make the right choice. However, with the right approach, this problem can be fixed rather quickly.

What is CDNsun and Why Should I Pay Attention to It?

CDNsun is a content delivery network vendor that provides its clients with affordable CDN services. The company has 70 Points of Presence located in various parts of the world to enhance its clients’ content delivery. Each data center is equipped with SSD drives for better performance.

When you choose CDNsun, you become a part of CDN network and get API and dashboard for CDN management.

You aren’t obliged to pay for CDNsun services nearly at once: each client is provided with a free 14 days trial period to check whether the services provided by the company suit them or not.

CDNsun cares about its clients and is ready to offer them the best CDN services. In case you get in a trouble or need some help, you may always contact a friendly support team via email, live chat or phone.

Several Popular CDNsun Services

When you choose CDN services provided by CDNsun, you may also get:

  • HTTP Pseudo Streaming;
  • Hotlink Protection;
  • IP Access Policy;
  • Password Protection;
  • Country Access Policy;
  • Token Authentication.

To get additional details on the services provided by CDNsun, visit the official website of the company.