What Should You Know About Naming an App?


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When you’re developing an app, the name you give it is so important. It’s a key component of branding, and it’s largely what’s going to determine whether or not people initially download it.

The name is the first introduction people have to your app, but naming an app is also important when it comes to search rankings. If people can’t find it, they can’t download it.

Even if you develop the best app, if the name is no good, it’s more than likely going to be a failure.

The following are some of the primary things to keep in mind as you’re selecting an app name.

Evaluate the Competition

First and foremost, do some competitor research during the naming process.

You’re not going to copy their names, but you can see some vital things such as how long most of your competitors’ names are, the keywords they’re using, and the overall tone they convey.

Get To Know Your Audience

Knowing your audience is necessary not only for naming your app but also for branding it and marketing it. You want to know who they are, where they are, and what problem they’re looking to solve by using your app.

Then, you can guide the naming process based on those factors.

You want your name to be relevant not just to the terms your potential users are searching for, but also to a need they have. By considering these things, you can then include what it is that your app does, at its core, in the name. Think about the primary function of the app as you’re naming it.

Simplicity and Style

There are two big objectives to keep in mind, and they’re tough, but if you can get them both in one name, you’re going to be doing well.

You want your name to be simple, but also have a bit of creative or stylistic flair.

Short and to-the-point are good, but something that still feels unique is best.

Some experts recommend no more than three syllables ideally so that it is easy to remember and find.

A lot of the best app names are one word that’s a combination of two—for example, SnapChat.


A big chunk of apps that are download are found based on keyword searches. Your title is the primary search data used by the search engine in the App Store. You can keep it simple and include your name and then a few keywords that highlight the primary functions of the app.

When your app name is descriptive, it not only helps users know that they want or need your app, but it can also prevent people who download an app and then don’t use it again because it’s not what they thought it would be.

Finally, avoid certain things. Don’t include special characters, and don’t try to piggyback on the names of other successful apps. You also should avoid using things that are offensive in your title because while it may get attention it’s going to turn a lot of people off.
