Why you shouldn’t do SEO by yourself?

If you own a website, for sure you were tempted not a single time to promote it quickly just to make money the easiest way. And there are quite a lot of ways to monetize a website, you can build affiliate relationships with other websites, you can gain some money from AdSense, or you can post some paid articles. All these are available,of course, only to popular sites.  No one is interested in a poor ranking website when it comes to Search Engines. That’s why doing SEO makes a lot of sense in 2017.

Doing SEO in 2017 is a quite challenging and overwhelming activity that involves thousands of knowledge and decisions to be made. Our advice is to “hunt” for the best SEO professional and to rely on his best knowledge. A good way is to find some affordable SEO Services from abroad, per example you can ask for an SEO offer from SEO professionals from Romania, usually they charge less but provide quality services!

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If you cannot hire an SEO expert be vigilant! How you do SEO is imperative! Nowadays Google penalizes more websites for tricky and not fair play techniques of “SEOoptimization”. Posting in several poor web directories, trying to fool Search Engines by hiding texts on pages and many other Black Hat SEO techniques can harm your website seriously.

They either can get your site penalized. So that, not every piece of information you find on the internet about optimizing the website is reliable. If you chose to optimize your blog or presentation website by your own, just remember this. You’ll have to read a lot to understand how SEO works to improve a website’s quality. In SEO you have to get a clear imagine of how a site should look to be proffered by search engines.

There is even more. Any effort can be equal to zero if it not the right shot. You can try a lot to generate some backlinks to your website, but this cannot be the best solution. Why? Some backlinks can hurt your ranking. If several “bad quality” websites talk about you, Google thinks that your site is a bad quality too.

Another way to hurt your rankings by doing SEO by yourself is to consider too much the search engines point of view and to forget about your visitors. This happens when you over optimize your website instead of making it user-friendly. Why is this bad? Trying to impress search engines, you start to change the code of your site, its look, and functionality. All good for now. But if the users do not stay on your pages, that’s a real sign of poor quality website.

So that Google measures the metrics of engagement and relies mainly on them. If people start leaving your site just after a few seconds without getting to any other page, the bounce rate grows a lot. Of course, the bounce rate isn’t the most representative metric ever, because it depends on a lot of the niche of your website. However, if you got several numbers of pages, it is logical them to be visited by people. If people do never access a part of your website, it is a bit strange for Search Engines. It is a signal of bad quality content which you should try hard to avoid.

Try harder and you’ll find each time better SEO solutions and true answers to your questions!