WordPress Course 101: Set Up A Website

In today’s generation, building a business online starts with a presentable website. A website will serve as the online identity of your business. It means that if you have built an engaging website, you can easily catch the attention of potential customers. 

WordPress is an open-source CMS (Content Management System). It is a popular tool used by people without coding experience who want to build blogs and websites. The software doesn’t cost anything – it is free.

  • Free to use
  • Free to install
  • Free to modify

Therefore, it is a favorite of most individuals, especially those using it for business. So, learn about this CMS by taking a WordPress course in Malaysia to help you create a website for different uses, such as:

  • Personal blog or website
  • Photoblog
  • Business website
  • Professional portfolio
  • Government website
  • Magazine or news website
  • Online Community
  • Network of websites
  • E-commerce stores
  • Mobile applications

WordPress is used to create blogs. Today, the software has improved, and you can build any website. 

WordPress online training courses

Learn how to build a blog or website in WordPress with video tutorials or take a WordPress course in Malaysia. The courses help you learn the following:

  • Install WordPress and configure it for SEO
  • Design a WordPress theme
  • Create an e-commerce website
  • Publish your images and posts 

Here is a list of WordPress courses you can take:

  • WordPress 5 Essential Training: Site Administration
  • WordPress: E-commerce
  • WordPress: Advanced Custom Fields
  • WordPress Ecommerce: WooCommerce
  • Learning Elementor for WordPress Design
  • WordPress Development: Coding Practice
  • WordPress: SEO
  • WordPress: Everything about Plugins
  • WordPress: Building A Secure Site

These are only a few of the WordPress courses that you can take.

WordPress: Essential training

WordPress powers websites worldwide. Since WordPress is available in different languages, it can be hosted on any server, accessed in a browser and built for almost anything. In this course, you will learn about how to launch, customize, and manage a site with WordPress 6.2. 

 WordPress 6.2 is the latest version of the powerful CMS. You can explore what the website takes up and runs from the admin area and on the main dashboard. You can learn customizing the site settings to your liking, from the feature-rich list of options, including:

  • menus
  • posts
  • pages
  • editable blocks
  • uploaded media
  • themes
  • plugins and more

Also, you will earn troubleshooting tips to keep the site safe, optimize, and secure.

WordPress: Search Engine Optimization

WordPress is search-engine friendly. But, there is more to do to make the site visible to social media networks and search engines. The course is an introductory that focuses on the basic setup and usage scenarios. With SEO, you can learn how you can drive more visitors to your WP site with these two powerful plugins:

  • All-in-One SEO Pack
  • Yoast SEO

Learn how to take advantage of WP settings that help optimize your website.

More WordPress courses can help you learn about the CMS and ensure to make your website more presentable and earning. Although you have learned the basics, WordPress courses can help you build a successful and professional WordPress site.