3 Ways a Pivot Table Makes Your Job Easier

Pivot table can change how you sort and analyze data. Pivot Tables are data summation tables common in business software that helps you analyze large amounts of data. With just a few simple clicks, you have access to a whole new set of information. Spreadsheets provide one solution to create pivot tables, but the best tools allow you to simply drag and drop fields in order to rearrange the data.

But what is a pivot table and how can it make your job easier? Read on to find out!

What is a Pivot Table

At its most basic, a pivot table is a data summarization tool used in the context of data processing to summarize, sort, reorganize, group, count, total or average data stored in a database. It allows its users to transform columns into rows, rows into columns, and allows for grouping by any data field.


Pivot tables transform a simple spreadsheet into a robust data system for analysis, projection and visualization. They let you look at the same pieces of data from different angles and in different ways in order to spot trends or perform in-depth analysis.

Save Time

Time is money and saving time saves your business money. If you aren’t using pivot tables you’d need to do a lot of cut and pasting and manually re-arranging data in order to try and discover the patterns and information you were seeking. Manually rearranging the data opens you up to the potential for human error and you could lose valuable information, overlook something critical, or mis-read the table headings.

Pivot tables may require a bit more time to get set up and running, but that initial investment will save you substantial amounts of time in the long run, making your job much easier.

Compare Information Quickly

The interactive data analysis enabled by pivot tables is a valuable tool for speed and effectiveness. Traditional spreadsheets make it very difficult to view larger datasets, with rows and columns disappearing off the screen. It’s hard to compare data when you can’t even see half of it! A pivot table will dynamically change the data format, allowing you to compare both different data sets and information within a single dataset quickly and efficiently.

The possibilities for data aggregation and view combinations are endless when you make use of pivot tables.

Sort Information Easier

As your business grows you naturally accrue more and more data. And while a static Excel spreadsheet worked fine to organize the initial information, it becomes harder to make sense of the larger amounts of data. The drag and drop fields in a pivot table allow you to move items with ease and create an interactive table that saves you time by automatically sorting data when you click on a row or column heading.

The sorted information is then laid out and displayed in a way that makes it easy for you to quickly view all the necessary information.