4 Benefits of Cloud Computing for Business

No one can deny the fact that modern technology is a crucial asset to companies and businesses of all sizes these days. One of the revolutionary technological trends that has reshaped businesses today is cloud computing. Cloud computing has been around for some time now, but it’s growing both in popularity and in use as time goes by. In other words, more and more businesses are opting for cloud-based solutions due to their benefits and numerous advantages.

Nowadays, cloud solutions offer various services to businesses, such software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS), among other things. One of the key features cloud computing has introduced is a subscription-based model for individuals and businesses alike. Simply put, cloud computing has forced the business landscape to evolve for the better. That being said, here are a few benefits of cloud computing for businesses.

Subscriptions to services

Cloud computing started out as a subscription model for software and has grown beyond that in recent years. Back in the day, businesses had to purchase software products for each device they planned on using that software on. Simply put, one device meant one product key and so on. However, as technology advanced further, mobile devices and remote work became more and more popular. This change forced new solutions and in came cloud-based computing.

Today, software is no longer being purchased but instead, it’s being subscribed to. SaaS solutions allow businesses to subscribe to a software product and use it on any number of devices anywhere in the world. It’s a more convenient solution for the modern business landscape and companies can opt for any type of software that suits their needs for a monthly or annual fee. In other words, it’s a cheaper and more reliable method for businesses today.

Improved accessibility

Cloud-based solutions also serve as a storage space that businesses can utilize. The fact of the matter is that clouds are in fact remote data centers that have the necessary infrastructure to provide various services. Nowadays, businesses can move their digital files and documents to the cloud. What’s interesting is that this type of storage differs from your usual data storing methods.

As a matter of fact, data stored in the cloud is properly secured, as well as encrypted so that only the owners of the files may access it. In addition, you can access your data from any device and from any location in the world. This doesn’t just make data storage more seamless, but also file sharing and information exchange between remote offices or employees. Simply put, the days of sending files via the fax machine or mail are long gone.

Infrastructure scaling

Back in the day, businesses implemented in-house hardware to support their business infrastructure and operations. This hardware included server computers, storage devices, user devices and virtual machines among other things. In addition, if your business started to grow, you had to purchase additional hardware to support your business growth. Today,  you can scale your business accordingly by subscribing to better hardware or unsubscribing from it if you no longer need it.

However, some companies still prefer to have their own hardware on company grounds, because it allows them to have more security and control. As technology is evolving, cloud providers are becoming better at incorporating both the benefits of private clouds and public clouds. Enterprise cloud solutions based on HCI don’t require complicated infrastructure, so they are the perfect option who want a secure and easily scalable cloud solution with on-premise hardware.

Data backup

As mentioned before, the cloud can serve as online storage for your digital files. However, it can also serve as a reliable data backup and recovery method. Companies oftentimes store data in-house on their computers or off-premises on external drives. Each method is good, but there are certain risks involved. For example, if you lack proper cybersecurity measures, a data breach can cause theft and loss of data stored in-house.

Also, natural disasters, such as a fire, flood or earthquake can compromise your external drive data backups. On the other hand, data stored in the cloud is much safer. In fact, your data isn’t located in a single place, such as a remote cloud data center, but on various locations instead.

It’s split into fragments and kept separately only becoming whole again when you access it. This improves security and accessibility of your data. Therefore, if something should happen to your information and data backups, you can rest assured knowing that there’s another backup safely stored in the cloud.

Cloud-based computing is one of the most revolutionizing and beneficial technological innovations today. Cloud services provide numerous advantages and benefits to modern businesses. What’s more, these solutions are more cost-effective than the alternatives. With that in mind, the only thing left to do is choose a proper cloud solution for your business.