Want To Offer SEO Services In Budget? Consider A Reseller Program!

A lot of website owners have the interest in promoting and marketing their portals, but they don’t necessarily have the required massive budget for hiring the best company in business. SEO and other verticals of online marketing are critical for the success of a website, but budget often becomes a constraint. If yours is a SEO company that intends to provider affordable services or a web design company that also wants to foray into marketing, you can consider a SEO Reseller program. In this post, we are discussing all aspects, benefits and other details about becoming a SEO Reseller.

How does it work?

Small SEO, web design and tech companies may want to get clients to offer online marketing services, but hiring an in-house team for a few niche projects doesn’t make sense economically. In simple words, SEO Resellers work with big SEO companies and white-label their services as their own. To be more precise, you partner with a company that provides SEO and sell their services to your client. As the reseller, you have complete control on the bill, and your clients will work with you, but all the services and support will be provided by the parent company.

The obvious advantages

First and foremost, SEO Resellers have control on how they bill clients. You are in charge of the final price you give to your consumers and websites owners, and if you can sell a package at a high price, the profit is yours. Secondly, it allows small SEO companies and web design teams to expand their market and stay in business. You are adding a more effective and valuable service to your company profile, which may appeal to some clients. The good news is your company will be working with a SEO service that’s reliable, known and can be trusted. You can be assured of results and don’t have to worry about keeping the work in check.

Ask the right questions

Working with a good SEO service does make a difference. Keep in mind that not all SEO reseller programs are same, and you need a team that can be relied. To make a promise to your customers and clients, you need to have the right answers. Ask a few basic questions like – How long will it take to see real results? How quickly can we expect higher rankings for a client’s website? What’s included in your reseller program?

Generally, SEO reseller programs include everything related to the actual process, such as on-page SEO, off-page SEO, data analysis, and tech audit recommendations. Again, not all SEO companies work in the same way, so check in advance.

Making money with SEO reseller programs

You can become a partner for any known SEO reseller program, and the profits will be shared. Some companies offer the simple option of ready packages, and as a partner, you can sell these packages at a price you can manage and keep the extra as your income. The second choice is to have a dedicated team of experts from the parent company working for your clients, and you can design the packages and charge your clients as you can. Before you sign up, talk to the concerned SEO Company about how and to what extent they intend to provide support. At the end of the day, your clients will ask questions and may want to know more on their project, for which you will need the parent company’s team. check out Josh’s strikingly page for more help. 

Final word

By opting for one of the SEO reseller programs, you can finally add another feather to your hat of tech services. Check online for the best options and calculate in detail about how your company can earn from rebranded services.