4 Things you should know about Crystal Oscillators

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A crystal oscillator is an electronic circuit which generates electronic signals. These signals are usually in the form of sine waves and are used electronically to transfer different frequencies effectively. They are an important component for the electrical industry and have been designed to convert Direct Current into Alternating Current.

Euroquartz are suppliers of the crystal oscillators, they supply these inseveralshapes and sizes and offer various levels of elasticity. These are exactly what you need if you’re looking to generate a precise frequency that offers high stability. As well as this, Euroquartz provides the crystal oscillator circuit in a variety of variations, so you needn’t worry about it offering maximum reliability.

When it comes to choosing a Quartz crystal oscillator, there are countless factors that will need to be taken into consideration, including the following:


The crystal oscillator frequency can be used in several industries and is guaranteed to improve performance and prevent package leaks.

The team at Euroquartz have an ideal solution for everyone. They provide the Quartz crystal oscillator for the aerospace industry, defence industry, electrical engineers, medical industry and telecommunication industries!

For new crystals, a new frequency is required. The temperature and frequency will provide stability to cut the Quartz effectively.


The crystal oscillator circuit is a useful aid to communication across a wide range of industries including the military and defence industry. The Quartz crystal oscillator was initially discovered for army radio communications. The development of the radio was down to the oscillator, it transmitted a precise frequency from the Quartz crystal.

Euroquartz provide the crystal oscillator frequency in order to meet the demands of the military, ensuring that 2-way radio communications are effective and that there is no compromise to safety!


Previously, the size of the crystal oscillator was significantly bigger, however, using the latest technologies and innovations, Euroquartz are now able to provide you with an oscillator that is more practical. Take the XO21 Ultra Miniature CMOS oscillator, for instance, this is a small oscillator which can provide stability and the package is available in 2.1 x 1.2mm and has a crystal oscillator frequency that ranges from 2.5 MHz up to 50MHz.

The low frequency oscillator can provide you with a reliable solution for smaller operations and low power requirements, just because you need less power, it is not to say that Euroquartz cannot provide an ideal solution for your industrial needs!


Regardless of whether you choose a OCXO or a TCXO, Euroquartz are your go-to supplier of the Quartz crystal oscillator, guaranteed to provide you with the best value for money.

The TCXO is a Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator that incorporates a thermistor for handling changes in the surrounding temperature. This product is popular for its ability to save space and money.

As with any of the products we supply, the low frequency oscillator is priced affordably, so don’t hesitate to find something that suits your budget requirements!

Do you need to know more about the crystal oscillators supplied by Euroquartz, get in touch with the experts today!