5 Pointers One Shouldn’t Miss for a Successful Migration to Windows 10

With Microsoft retiring their support for Windows Vista and old OSs, it has become really challenging for agencies to upgrading to Microsoft Windows 10 operating system.

Unlike other platforms, Windows 10 is secure, user-friendly and more features. A successful switch is necessary in order to enjoy an uninterrupted experience. And, for that, we have come up with our guide. Here are a few helpful tips for a successful migration.

Make a list of apps that may stop working on new OS

There have been several apps customized as per a business’ needs. They run efficiently on an older platform and are considered indispensable. In such a condition, every IT company should ensure that these apps run easily in the new OS as well.

Make a list of such apps with storage space these would actually need. Also, check the compatibility level.

In case there are duplicate apps, find out and consolidate them.

Figure out deployment plans and switching back to old OS

During the deployment, make sure you get a backup plan in case something goes wrong. Ensure switching to the old operating system for data retention. Don’t complete the deployment in one go, in fact, churn it into small phases. First complete one stage, and then move to another.

Impart proper training for Windows 10

It’s hard for a user to get familiar with a newer edition than the previous one. Hence, it is important that you train your people to get their hands-on Windows 10. The up-gradation of the end users as important as does your OS’.

Zoom in your IT Support team

As a new operating system isn’t something people are familiar with, a lot of questions and queries are common to surface. This will increase the pressure on the IT support team. Hence, agencies involved in this process should be prepared in advance to resolve as many tickets as they can. Your staffs should be adept with the new features of the operating system so as to troubleshoot issues easily.

Fix a budget

Switching to a latest operating system comes with a cost. Hence, one should plan a budget which proves to be cost-effective in long terms.

Migration from an old version of Windows to the latest one has its own perks. With beefed-up security features, you need not stress on data breaches or malware attacks and so on. If migrating to a new operating system platform seems challenging to you, hire a professional agency. https://www.apptechnology.co.uk/ is one of the best agencies aced in windows migration services. So, stay calm and let your professional agency do the Windows OS migration for you.