6 Ways to Maintain Your SEO Ranking While Redesigning a Website

That one thing which fears most of the website owners is the task of redesigning the website without disturbing the balance of business online visibility. The threats of losing the potential customers, losing the website information as well as losing the imperative search result ranking is very genuine. This can do long-term harm to all that really matters for the business growth.

I and my team at SEO Company Delhi, have discovered some best ways which are tried and tested, to overcome this issue which I am going to enlist below. Here they are-

  • Avoid Work on a Live Website

This is the most essential thing to remember while making changes in website. Do not perform the task of redesigning the website while it is live. Better to disable the website while doing modifications as it is a long process or set up the new website on a separate domain and swap it with the original when ready.

  • Match The Layouts of the Old and New Websites

Prior you begin website redesigning, make use of crawler to outline your current website, how things are set out, so that you can coordinate the new site with it.  Once you are finished, crawl the new site to contrast its structure with the original one.

  • Save The Original Website Information

To do this, create a list of all the pages from the old website. In case URL is going to change then use 301 directs to notify search engine about the changes and ensures that website visitors can find what they’re looking for. You should also save your site map of original website to text file, for reference later.

  • Utilize a Temporary URL for the New Website

You can roll out improvements to your site while setting up your new site on temporary URL, replicating your old site to the temporary URL. Once you’re done with the new site, you can simply switch the domain, and take the new website live.

  • Use Better 404 Pages

The 404 page not found message is a fundamental part of any website redesign, because occasionally pages simply lose all sense of direction in the rearrange or links don’t work. A good 404 page will assist the users and search engines discover their way back to either the data they’re searching for, or somewhere else inside your website.

  • Manage Track of Backlinks

This is something that each site owner fears, losing every one of those links that they’ve earned. You can collect usage statistics of your backlinks, and the perfect approach to move those backlinks to your new site is to get in touch with the owners of the most well known backlinks and request that they change the links so that they indicate the new pages. If that cannot be done, then ensure that the pages with the rest of your collected backlinks have 301 redirects.

I, at SEO Services Delhi, would recommend these ways specifically to those who are planning to redesign their website. Without any doubt, they will work wonders for your new website and won’t affect your current business online presence anyhow.