9 Ways Marketing Automation Have Impacted Your Business In 2017

Marketing Automation is the system to automate the process of marketing with the help of software. Various marketing departments need to perform automate marketing process that include customer segmentation, customer data integration, and campaign management. This ground-breaking technology of marketing automation has made the tasks easier.

You have high expectations, when you implement marketing automation in your business. If you are looking for types of impact marketing automation leaves on your business then you must read this post carefully.

The impact of marketing automation varies from improved organizational efficiency to enhanced sales effectiveness. Mainly, the marketing automation has a supreme impression on your business by capturing the lead, lead nurturing and converting the lead. In following ways, marketing automation has affected the business in 2017;

  1. In spite of marketing automation, humans are needed

Although marketing automation offers a best and effective way to answer low-value questions, like an online correspondent of interactive voice response systems but it does not handle complex issues. Human element is needed at the end to solve multi-level issues or to build an emotional connection. In order to build trust and expressive connections with clients, your business requires human.

  1. Automation simplifies campaign management

Marketing automation manages your registered domain database efficiently. With the help of this advanced tool, you are allowed to keep an eye on the performance of your cross-channel campaigns from one place. This saves lot of time and efforts. Marketing automation also increases the campaign productivity and reduces time to market.

  1. Marketing automation drives traffic and generates leads

The marketing automation is highly beneficial as it allows users to combine multiple marketing tools at one place, which gathers all the important information from visitors to potential customers domains list. For all the digital marketers, accomplishing this through marketing automation is huge win. Thus, it is absolutely worth to invest in automation tool for your business.

  1. It sends instant sales notifications

The marketing automation sends a sales notification to the concerned sales person, when the lead takes sales-relevant action. This assures that the potential customer gets immediate attention.

  1. Results are faster and smarter

Automation is growing in every aspect of marketing. It allows you to use data to connect with customers frequently. In near future, we may not need human marketers as robots are effectively performing tasks for us.

  1. Groundwork for intelligent future

Both the consumers as well as the marketers are availing the advantages of marketing automation. The rate of modernization is increasing day by day; hence the marketers are overwhelmed with this technology. You can be prepared for tomorrow, by setting up the foundation with systems of record to manage your data internally. Automation will update all registered domain database in other marketing apps as well as in CRMs that are used by you. This way it is easy to integrate with tomorrow’s services.

  1. It serves relevant content.

Automation is an outstanding technology that brings personalization at the right time and place. It is designed to help you by delivering messages at the right time of the purchase cycle for the customer. With an analytical model, marketers can boost the return on investment, while serving tailored data and appropriate content to customers. This increases number of conversions.

  1. Converts Lead

Lead conversion is the only aim of any sales department. The impact of marketing automation on lead conversion is remarkable. You can track the engagement of customer and use this information efficiently to solve the case. Most of the leads can be converted with the help of problem-solving approach. Subsequently, if your business is lacking behind in following up leads then you need to implement marketing automation so that your sales team receives sufficient qualified leads. The adoption of marketing automation is worth as you can scrutinize the dramatic increase in lead capturing rates, sales conversion rates as well as boosted organizational efficiency.

  1. Reduces your staff

Apart from all the above impacts, one of the greatest impacts of marketing automation is that it reduces the requirement of employees. Single marketing automation software can compete with team of 50 sales people.

In a nutshell

There is no question of asking, whether the marketing automation is a boon or a bane? After going through the impact of marketing automation, you would have understood the importance of it.