A Reliable Web Host Is Essential For Any Website

If you look for web hosts on the internet, you will find them coming out of the wood work, but you can’t really judge how good or bad they are at what they do. Because you have to live with your web host for a long time, so it is essential that you make the right choice right at the beginning.

Don’t be swayed by advertising

So, you have Googled for web hosting services and have decided to pick the one topmost on the search results. The fact that they are on top only means that they have spent a lot in SEO and probably has a great website, but it is not a reflection of quality of service. Same goes for advertising, don’t get taken in by offers that seem too good to be true, they probably are.

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Take recommendations with a pinch of salt

You might think that if a web host is being recommended by multiple sources, then they must be doing something righ. Yes, they are, they are paying the right people. Bluehost is one of the most recommended web hosting services out there. But their service is at best mediocre. You can look up https://webhostinggeeks.com/providers/bluehost if you want to find out the true quality of their service.

Real customer reviews are very important

Reviews come in three forms; customer reviews posted by hosts, review forums by host and independent review sites. You will probably only find positive reviews in the first category because reviews posted by the web hosting company in their own website will almost lways be fake.

The reviews in forums will be only a little better, you might actually get some specific and real info from clients. But again these forums are heavily censored so any overly critical reviews might never be published.

That leaves independent review sites; these sites aren’t in any way associated with the web host in question, they earn money through ads and not through the patronage of any web host, so their reviews will only state the hard fact without any embellishments.