Diagnosing and Fixing Your Frozen Computer


Every business owner, start up, student or anybody who’s savvy enough to operate one understands how frustrating it is when the computer freezes. All that activity – everything you’re working on might not be retrieved any more. What could possibly be the cause of frozen screens and how do we deal with it? Today’s article focuses on diagnosing and fixing your freezing computers. Don’t let that machine get the best of you and retaliate by knowing how to fix this issue.

Why Your Computer Freezes

According to IT support, computers usually freeze or crash whenever they’re doing more than what they can at a single time. Using several huge applications that use up all of your computer’s RAM will eventually send it crashing down. Why? Your computer’s operating system is probably not suitable to handle all of the applications you just launched. For this reason, it stops, freezes, and breaks down. Other reasons include incompatible device drivers, bugs, virus, and others.

What Freezing Computer Means

Whenever a computer freezes, it’s natural for people to look for the cause. But don’t go as far as heading immediately to computer stores to get a replacement. First, find out why it froze. Did your mouse freeze first? Is your computer hardware fried, therefore resulting in your computer overheating? Is your problem with a third party software? Sometimes, identifying the origin of the freezing will help you find the most accurate solution. Don’t jump to conclusions and don’t be afraid to explore a bit.

How to Fix a Freezing Computer

There are many ways to fix a freezing screen. One of the best methods is to check with technical support. However, if you’re the I’ll-fix-it guy or gal, bring up the task manager using the keys CTRL + ALT + DEL and try shutting the application down. If this doesn’t work, perform a manual shut down. This will potentially lose any unsaved data you’re currently working on. Still, if this doesn’t do it, you’ll have to do a system restore. This will reset your computer’s operating system.

Where to Get Help

If you’re still unsatisfied with the fixes above and experience a recurring freezing problem, it’s time to visit an IT help desk. Catalyst Computers has a range of tailored solutions that aim to meet all your needs. We have skilled and highly trained technicians that can help you deal with freezing screens effectively. We also offer quality solutions and even provide free tips on handling certain computer issues. It’s always better with the help of someone knowledgeable in the field.

Hopefully, this article will be helpful whenever the time comes that your computer freezes on you. Be sure to keep your computer in top shape. Install the most recent updates, get a virus removal tool, don’t overload it with huge applications, and check with computer experts like Catalyst Computers. If you want to learn more about freezing issues, check with our tech support on  02 9186 3781. We provide initial consultations for absolutely no price.

Catalyst Computers

Company : Catalyst Computers

Address    : 1/290 Botany Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015

Tel             : (02) 9186 3781