There has been a lot talked about SSL certificate, trustable website, secure sever and browser connection when running an online business. There is also a notion or phenomenon amongst internet users and businesses about Google ranking the websites as non-secure that are not HTTPS secure and are not using SSL certificate. Next big question is why it is so important for a website to have an SSL certificate . For this let’s first understand what’s it all about to gain a better clarity.

SSL certificate – SSL is a digital certificate that is considered to be the backbone of secure Internet connection for the ecommerce businesses worldwide. SSL certificate also protects your confidential information all across the servers and the connected browsers. The certificate is a requisite for safeguarding your website, even if your website is not a wholly ecommerce website or if doesn’t handle susceptible information like credit cards and personal information. Moreover, it offers privacy, digital security and data integrity for both your website and your customers who are sharing their personal information.  While authentication and trust are something the main purpose of SSL certificate, they come in different types and kinds depending on the kind of business you are into.  One which is quite widely used is EV SSL certificate. This article will revolve around EV SSL certificate and know why it is required for your ecommerce business.  Read On…

A quick learning on EV SSL certificate –

This is one of the highest classes of SSL certificate which is remarkably helpful in encrypted security for the ecommerce websites as these websites use a lot of information to be filled. Extended Validation – SSL Certificates – EV SSL activate a padlock and a green address bar in all the browsers you may use. EV SSL Certificates offers the strongest encryption level to the website and enables the organization to gain trust among its customers so that they feel secure, this is turn increases your website’s credibility. Thus the owner of the website also gets satisfied, thinking that my website will leave a positive impression to my customers who love to come and shop.  The Extended Validation of this SSL certificate clearly define the verification process requiring the applicant (owner of the website) to prove the exclusive rights to use a domain, validate that it’s legal, operational and does consist physical existence, all this will make your entity authorized from the issuance of the Certificate.

But what’s actually EV SSL certificate do and how it can be installed is the next question?

The answer is not tricky, see when an ecommerce website wants to secure its transactions for protection against malicious attacks; it will obtain an SSL certificate for that domain, especially if it an online store then the website owner will go for EV SSL certificate. What happens is this EV SSL certificate applies the encryption to all the activities on your website that includes page and form submissions, financial transactions, and so on. This process stops the data theft and other such attacks. Let’s see what all security information is inclusive in the SSL certificate;

  • Company name
  • Company location or address
  • The length or duration of time the certificate is good for
  • Details of the issuing authority who issued the EV SSL certificate

Yes, EV SSL is very crucial for your ecommerce business for the reason stated above and for more understanding, there are some more points which will tell you more about EV SSL certificate, like;

If you sell products! Probably YES you need an EV SSL certificate – this is for communication and the information between your website and your customer should be safe. Here the customers are shopping from your website, in turn, they fill their details as well, thus it becomes necessary to have EV SSL certificate.

If you offer memberships Maybe – here you have probability factor again because in case you are running a membership website then there must be your users who will be giving their personal information and other details to apply or register to your website.

If your visitors submit sensitive information via forms! Maybe – here in case your website is not an ecommerce website or you are not selling anything, but till if your site’s visitors are submitting any kind of personal information, photos, documents, etc. in the form of sign-in newsletters or any other log-form then your website shall have  EV SSL certificate to keep that information safe.

One important factor when discussing EV SSL certificate integration to you ecommerce website is that should the website owner own it or can use a shared SSL certificate?

There are numerous hosting providers that offer a shared SSL certificate that the website owner can use instead of buying one. But make sure before doing so check, if it doesn’t give any errors to your site. However, a shared  certificate doesn’t offer much guarantee to your visitors because it do not consist your company’s or website name in it, hence it may display a warning. On the other hand, if you run an e-commerce website where people exchange information like – passwords, credit card information then you would definitely need EV SSL.

Just to conclude quickly, with the advent of a lot ecommerce websites flooding, the cyber threats are also increasing, thus to fight this these it has become essential for the ecommerce websites to integrate SSL certificates that will provide them the secure and encrypted  connection between the user and the server. Go for EV SSL certificate for your ecommerce website, without a single second thought!