Get The Most Out Of SEO By Changing Your Mindset | Steven Wyer

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the driving force behind most online content marketing, says Steven Wyer of 3Ci, a digital branding firm located in Nashville. However, not every business will benefit from a grand SEO plan and those that try often make mistakes that could cost them customers in the long run. Steven Wyer elaborates below.

Q: What are some common content topic issues?

Steven Wyer: Many businesses trying to establish an online presence spend a great deal of time and money on content regarding products and services they want to sell. And while there is nothing wrong with promotional blogging, it must be balanced with content that offers valuable information to the reader – not simply a secret sales pitch.

Q: How do you describe valuable information?

Steven Wyer: Content that solves a problem for the reader or is directly related to common user searches. Readers appreciate content that is written with their needs in mind.

Q: Can you give an example of content that meets a need?

Steven Wyer: A lawn care company might post information on the proper height to set lawn mower blades. While this type of post may not result in an immediate sell of yard cutting services, it will have a positive impact on the reader who may wind up contacting the company for other landscape needs later on.

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Q: What is “Google pleasing?”

Steven Wyer: Google pleasing is the practice of immediately updating your SEO strategy every time Google rolls out a new algorithm update.

Q: Shouldn’t businesses keep up with Google?

Steven Wyer: Yes, but I like to remind my clients to keep in mind that Google caters to Google’s interests and that not every decision they make will immediately impact their own business.

Q: Will all businesses benefit from the same SEO methodology?

Steven Wyer: Not necessarily. Larger businesses may benefit most by cleaning up page speed and technical issues while smaller, locally focused businesses may convert more traffic through regular posts of high-quality content.

Q: How important is it to stay on top and continually looking ahead when planning my SEO strategy?

Steven Wyer: Planning and forecasting is important part of business. However, companies who are always focused on the next big thing often miss today’s business and may be doing more harm than good in the long run.

Q: Have you ever told a business owner that SEO wasn’t right for them?

Steven Wyer: Yes, actually. For many small businesses, limited resources would mean an ineffective SEO strategy. For these people, I suggest focusing their finances on more lucrative ways to attract business.

Q: But doesn’t every business need an aggressive SEO plan to be successful in today’s digital world?

Steven Wyer: SEO has its place and can be beneficial for any company trying to turn a profit. What I tried to teach people is that if they have marketing strategies that are working and can’t commit to a comprehensive SEO plan of attack, their money is better spent on tried-and-true methods. I would not be helping anybody by only half implementing an SEO plan that could not be supported in the long-term.

Q: So what you’re saying is that sometimes SEO isn’t the answer?

Steven Wyer: SEO is a valuable asset but, when implemented incorrectly, may limit the company’s returns, having the opposite effect of its intention.