Government Crm: Expanding the Horizons of Relationships with Customers

CRM-system is a powerful and modern tool for fast and correct information gathering and distribution, without which it is impossible to develop successful business today.

At the time of the first contact with the state organization, a person has already sufficiently studied his/her issue and developed several options for its solution. Many organizations begin to work with customers when the latter have already been standing in the waiting queue for quite a long time. However, this approach is not right and productive. CRM-system allows efficient and timely processing of applications received from ordinary citizens and organizations.

Functions of the Government Crm System, Which Will Help in the Proper Construction of the Working System

Effective work and a good result are possible only on condition of well-coordinated work by all units responsible for processing requests. By combining all the units using the CRM system, you will significantly reduce the number of “cold” calls, will be able to provide better service, reduce the accumulation of excessive number of unprocessed requests and increase the efficiency score.

 Align the client database

Customer database in Government crm is the heart of any CRM and a valuable asset of any company. Proper management of customer data in the system makes it possible to use this information in work with maximum efficiency. The system gets all the necessary information: records of telephone conversations, history of correspondence, stages of agreements, data on decisions made and so on. This information in conjunction with powerful analytical tools of the system allows you to make the work of the units orderly and efficient.

 Process requests quickly and efficiently

According to statistics, 60% of citizens and organizations will cease cooperation with the organization due to poor service. CRM-system will be able to store and process all incoming requests: orders, requests from the site or social networks, self-service portal. Government crm allows you to process requests from various channels in a single window, so you will not leave any citizen or organization unattended. CRM stores the entire history of communication with the client, which will confirm the correctness of communication or help in resolving disputed issues.

Analyze the work of the service department

Government crm system helps employees to plan their work transparently, manage incoming applications and redirect them to the necessary sections in time, monitor the development stages of these requests and make decisions related to them. The system stores and structures the history of communication with clients, which allows employees to analyze the behavior of citizens or organizations and form the most suitable proposals.

The manager receives a tool to monitor the quality of the service department: to monitor the performance of the work, compliance with deadlines and decisions. A funnel of processed requests will help to assess the number and status of transactions in the work.