How Alcohol Interlock Systems Help with Safe Driving

Driving Whilst Intoxicated (DWI), Drink Driving or Driving Under the Influence (DUI) fall under some of the most common offences reported in Australia. These refer to a person driving under the influence of alcohol exceeding the permitted limit that affects their cognition and balance. 

DWI has been one of the major contributors to injuries and road fatalities in Australia even after establishing the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit. The alcohol limit and the consequences for DWIs vary significantly across the country. States have recently adopted the use of an alcohol interlock device to prevent these repeated offences from occurring.

What Is an Alcohol Interlock System or Device?

The motive of an alcohol interlock system is to prevent an intoxicated person from driving a vehicle. It has the build of a cell phone, and it works like a breathalyser. It is a simple-to-use device where the driver blows into it to determine their Blood Alcohol Content. 

If it goes beyond the predetermined limit, it prevents the ignition from starting. This system was once thought to be a remedy for repeated offenders but is now used as a sensible measure to ensure that all DWI offenders are sober while driving.

Law enforcement mandates installing these devices to drivers convicted of offences involving high-risk drink driving when they get their license back. In states like Queensland, people who opt out of the program would not drive for two years after the license disqualification. Although having this device installed in the car may seem like an inconvenience to many, it has several benefits for offending drivers, motorists and the residents as a whole.

Benefits of Installing Interlock Devices

Offenders Can Continue Driving Legally

Typically, courts suspend the licenses of repeat DWI offenders or first-time offenders who have caused harm. Installing an interlock device will help them retain or regain their legal driving status. They will not have to rely on another person to drive them, take public transport or be booked for driving illegally if they have these devices installed for the duration sentenced by the court. This system is beneficial for people as they can get back to their normal jobs, do errands, drive to work, pick up kids from school and do other daily routines without hassle.

The Recidivism Rate Declines

Multiple studies have shown that interlock systems installed in their cars do not commit the same offence again. Statistics also show a drastic decline in the rate of repeated DWI cases reported by people who have such systems installed. 

Evidence also indicates that this method proves to be more effective than license suspension to deter DWI recidivism. They also store the information about the breath tests that the DWI drivers have given, which shows their behaviour. Authorities can review the data to gauge the likelihood of the person committing future offences.  

It Protects the Society and Saves Lives

No doubt installing interlock systems ensures higher safety for the drivers and the people of the society. In the states that require installing these devices, the number of DWI incidents, including injury and death, has drastically dropped. It also provides peace of mind to the friends and family members of the offenders and ensures that they would not be getting themselves in harm’s way again.

The process of using an interlock device is fast and easy. Trusted vendors like Affordable Interlocks provide government accredited, cost-effective systems with installation services to make the experience seamless.