How to Excel at Local Affiliate Marketing

If you want to make a lot of cash, you can very well make it with SEO websites that have a ranking and renting option. Businesses are willing to pay a lot for proper leads, so you don’t have to be too concerned about being an expert in SEO.

You can easily start your own business when you pick a suitable niche. Your pay-per-call company could run on lead sales, website rents, site ranking, and more! More specifically, we are talking about local lead generation and pay per call marketing. The steps below would guide you towards this goal:

1. The Right Niche

First, you should have a niche that is profitable in terms of volume and return. If something is common in the locality, you have to target it. This could be restoration of damage, cleanup of crime scenes, mold, fire, etc.

In short, anything with a high cost per click needs to be pursued. Google its average cost, which should ideally be two thousand dollars at the very least.

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2. Researching Keywords

Local research with respect to keywords and SEO is conducted by typing the keyword plus the geo modifier. This allows one to see data on several factors, such as CPC (cost per click), search volume, and the competition with AdWords.

When doing this, it’s recommended you pick areas that are easy to rank. This is important especially if one is an SEO novice. Focus on keyword difficulty and make it as low as possible.

Make wise use of your resources, especially your time. Don’t always aim for high competition because there’s more potential in gathering the local terms with high ticket and renting websites for your local businesses.

Competitor Analysis with SEO

You can start out by seeing where the market leaders stand with their highly-ranked keywords. You can use a service like ahrefs or SEMrush for this. You can also find out the keyword difficulty and the amount of traffic it brings in.

You can then make use of the best keywords. It’s as easy as that! Look at one-page factors, the map pack, and backlinks. The factors would include:

  • Word count on a high-ranking page
  • Quality of the content
  • Page authority
  • User-friendliness
  • Proper interlinks

3. Find Your Domains

You need to have a good domain in order to work with local lead generation. This means a domain that has a certain authority level in terms of link profile and age. You can find some expired domains that are relevant to your niche and make use of them. EMDs are perfect for creating an affiliate site in this case. This means that you shouldn’t worry about purchasing a domain with the exact name as your site.

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You should check the spam score of your chosen domain before you go ahead with it. The same should be done for the linking domains. The score should be as low as possible. Plus, it’s a bonus if there’s any traffic already directed toward them.

You should also look at the anchor text profiles of some likely domains. If it’s relevant to your work, well and good. There shouldn’t be a lot of keyword anchors, but ideally branded or generic naked URLS and anchor text are perfect.

4. LLG Website on Domain

LLG stands for Local Lead Generation, which is what you should be trying to do with your selected domain. For this, you need to get some hosting on board and make web pages. You can do this through a content management system such as WordPress.

When you’re doing all this, make sure to pick a decent theme and get your creation process going! But first, decide how you’d monetize your work before plunging ahead. You can do this by selling off leads to various organizations or getting into a business deal with some entrepreneur. This would not just serve as a security net for you but also ensure you get a bigger chunk of money with each lead sale.

In order to achieve these goals, research the profits businesses in your niche are making at this moment. If you’re selling a lead, you can charge one-fifth to one-third of that profit to your clients. This is a decent price that is both reasonable and lucrative.

When you get in a deal with the owner of a business, you should treat them like a partner. However, you have all the assets in your control, so you have the freedom to make all the decisions. This would let you generate money on your own terms without having to be answerable to a regular SEO client.

Of course, you can also let a local person or group rent your page out. A rent plug-in and a lightbox rank like SourceCCS or SEMeasy could help you with this. However, this would not influence the SEO rankings for you. This is a somewhat easier option but would mean your content isn’t seen anymore.

5. Get the Content

As of this moment, Google doesn’t filter out duplicate content when it comes to localized search results. This means that you can have multiple location-specific sites for one geo modifier, be it a state, city, or zip code.

This may put you at risk of a Google penalty but only if the pages are truly massive in number. This would be quite a feat to achieve anyway, so no worries on that count. You can create such pages using services like Source Flood.

You can hand-spin the content you already have and make it relevant to use in different places. For instance, you could have more or less the same headings or pose them as a question. Changing up the answers a bit would also save you from the merest chance of a Google penalty.

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If you want to have your affiliate marketing content increase in effectiveness, especially in your local area, you would have to know how to work with SEO. The local SEO would have its own lead generation model of business. Hence, you have to show Google that every bit of content is valuable and worth being in the higher ranks of search results.