How to Make Your Platform E-Commerce Friendly

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E-commerce is the best thing ever happened to a shopper. To meet the demands of the avid shoppers searching for their products online, the next obvious thing to provide, after an online catalog, is a payment gateway. Integrating payments API is an art that you need to master as a programmer. Good news is that the process is simple and straightforward and requires nothing much to do in the code.

There are three ways you can integrate API into the site. Considering the factors like ease of use and security, you can make a choice:

  • Install a plug-in

A readymade solution is available for the users in the form of plug-in. They just need to register with the plug-in provider and integrate into the platform to enable the clients to receive payments real fast. This is the fastest method to incorporate a payment option into the platform.

  • Embed a payment form

This is considered a safer option to receive payments. You need to embed a code for payment form into the website code and get it running as part of the hosting service you use. Some web developers are capable of hosting the payment form on their own. There are readymade payment form templates available; the developers can create an original one too. After successful testing, you can make it active on your website.

  • Fully integrated payment gateway

Yes, this is the most creative of all solutions available for making the platform e-commerce friendly. For this, you need to have an SSL certificate in place. Then, you can search for tools that can be integrated into the platform and use it to enrich the code with payment processes commands.

Thus, select the option that makes you confident of your offering and also helps you earn tons of patronage because of the convenience you offer.