How to Prevent Your Computer From Overheating

All computers generate heat when they are in use. All computers need to cool down in order to stop overheating. The heat produced by the numerous components must be removed in order to keep the computer running effectively, and to prevent safety problems like fire.

Take a look at these ways to prevent computer overheating if you are building your own computer. If you already have a shop-bought computer, there are tips for you too.

Use a Heat Sink

Heat sinks are passive computer cooling systems that take away heat from specific electronics components in the PC. The CPU has its own heat sink, and also the graphics card and the GPU. Other components built into the computer’s motherboard also have heat sinks. A heat sink works by moving heat from where it is generated into the heat sink, which is designed with a large surface area enabling more of it to be exposed to the air.

Use Thermal Compounds

A thermal compound is a type of flexible material that covers the surface of the CPU and often the GPU. It is also called heat sink paste or thermal gel, thermal grease, or thermal paste. The thermal compound spreads on top of the computer’s CPU and then the heat sink is placed on top. This removes any gaps and heat is more effectively transferred from CPU to heat sink. It is a bit tricky to apply this compound – you need to fill the gaps but not have it spill over the edges. Sometimes a problem with overheating occurs when the thermal compound has been degraded over time and it is necessary to reapply the compound.

Install Fans

Fans are pretty self-explanatory as they blow hot air away from the hot components in the PC, allowing the heat to be removed from the case. Fans need power in order to run and your regular PC will contain a number of different fans. You will be able to hear a fan working once the PC or laptop is using power. If you are building a PC from scratch you realise there are many choices in different types of fans, and that the best practice for locating and running fans is always changing – it is a good idea to look at recent electronics components news articles to find out which fan and overall cooling system is best for your PC project.

Clean Your PC

Even if you are not building your PC from scratch and you already have a working model, there are things you can do to prevent overheating. Dust is a great insulator and you need to clear it from fans, heat sinks, air vents, and from the case of the computer as it can block the flow of air coming out.

Keep PCs Away From Hot Sources

Ideally your computer should be located in a place where there is plenty of cool air circulating around it, and it should not be close to devices that blow hot hair into the vents. Keep a computer working more effectively by giving it optimum ventilation.


electronics components news

Image: Image courtesy of koratmember/