Know the Residential Solar Systems – Important Components

Residential solar systems are believed to be the energy solutions futuristic as well as cost-effective. These utilize the solar power to either generate the electricity directly or sometimes, to store the heat to charge batteries and run motor. Thus, the solar systems are looked upon as a feature that every smart home is going to have in coming times; seeds for such technological revolution have already been sown.

Important components of solar system for residences

Solar system for homes is made of a few components and is easier to assemble. The initial cost of installation is the only investment required. The important components of the solar system for residences are:

  • Solar Panels

The solar energy based electricity generators have solar panels as part of their core design. These are available in two types – mono crystalline and polycrystalline. You must try to have polycrystalline crystals on board as these are effective even in the rainy days and are cheaper as compared to mono crystalline ones. The solar panels are available in designs that blend beautifully with the house exteriors.

  • Batteries

For long life of batteries and that of solar system, one should use a branded battery of C10 type. The C10 batteries offer more cycles of operation and can work well even when these are drained 80% off their capacity.

  • Solar inverters with controllers

The solar inverters with MTTP controllers are known to deliver the best output from the given set of resources. Solar panels are installed in different angles as per the exposure of the roof to the sunlight. Inverters can deliver output of desirable amount irrespective of the angle they are installed at.

So, these three principal components of the solar system for residence are essential and should be bought only after thorough shopping. Gift yourself the advantages of solar energy; buy solar systems today!