How to Take Your Logo from Initial Idea to Creation

Have you ever seen a really catchy logo and wonder how it was created?  A logo might look simple and quick to design, but it actually takes a lot of time, effort, and iterating to create the final logo.

For example, the below logo by Amberd Design Studio looks very simple but it takes a lot of creativity to combine those shapes together.

First, the eagle’s silhouette was illustrated, then the sun and the shapes were combined together and the colors inverted. This is very simple to do but the result is very nice and creative work!

All companies should spend adequate time and resources in developing their logos. The logo should speak to your company and the essence of your being. This article serves to demystify the process of logo creation and make it accessible to everyone striving to make a visual statement with their company.

Create Aligned Strategy

The logo design process can seem very subjective and arbitrary. Without a concrete strategic approach, it is too easy for our emotional side of our brain to take over and just pick `a logo that looks good to us at the time. However, there are many practical and visual identity reasons for being more intentional in creating the strategy behind the logo.

Identify Your Business Plan

Logos should fully align with the business plan and organizational structure. Is the company innovative and forward-thinking? Are they trying to stake a claim to individuality in a competitive landscape? Is there only one name for the business? These are all important questions to ask when assessing the underlying characteristics of the business.

Sketch Out Multiple Logo Types

Some logos are only images while others have words or an abstracted symbol. You won’t really know what type of logo makes sense unless you try them all. Do not spend a lot of time on creating the different types. Just sketch a basic idea to get a sense of the type of logo that makes sense.

Understand Human Processing Speeds

Our brains naturally have a lot to do with how we think of and remember logos. If you just saw an apple in a picture, you might not think of Apple. But if you see an abstracted apple shape in specific colors, then you immediately think of Apple products. When we see a logo, we notice shapes before colors and both before words. The most important meaning needs to come through in shapes and the least important in words.

Try and Try Again

Once you have a good sense of what you are trying to capture with the logo, it is a good idea to draft some logos. Brainstorm for a set period of time and try not to majorly edit any of the designs. The goal is to spend time being creative without worrying about the revision process or the final product.

Ensure Responsive Design

Once you have a semifinal logo in mind, you want to make sure that it works across all devices, all screens, and all color backgrounds. People access information on a multitude of devices including large screens, phones, and billboards. If the design only works in a limited environment, then it is not going to work for the 21st century.

Gather Feedback

You need feedback from yourself and from others. It is a great idea to create a rubric that allows for an objective evaluation of the logo. This way the logo is separated from the person and it can stand on its own accord. The evaluative data gathered from the rubric should then be used to make any needed revisions to the rubric

Hopefully, after reading this you have a better sense of the effort you need to take in creating a logo. Even with effort, a logo can go wrong. By preparing and taking a methodological approach to logo design, you minimize the risk that the logo will be a dud open to criticism or misinterpretation.