It’s Time to Spy on Text Messages

Are you worried about what your teenage children are up to on their mobile phones? It is well-known that kids spend hours on their phones browsing through social media sites, connecting with friends, as well as playing online games, etc. Do you wonder who they are communicating with via text chats as well as other messaging platforms? Statistics show that the number of children trapped by social predators’ is on the increase.

The dangers of unrestricted, unmonitored Internet activity

2014 Internet Statistics show that 73% of children between 12 and 17 years old have one or more social network profiles. Furthermore, 97% of teenagers play online games, including games that are in an open online environment; ergo, anyone can access the game’s online space making it an ideal place for social predators to lurk. One in three teens, especially girls, have experienced online harassment or cyberbullying. Teens who text send and receive about 1500 messages per month. Finally, one in twenty-five teenagers has received online sexual solicitations where the offender seeks to make offline contact.

Consider for a moment the suicide game “Blue Whale”.  The ran with the following headline on 3 March 2017: “‘Blue Whale’ suicide game linked to 130 teen deaths is just tip of the iceberg in the world’s suicide capital Russia.” Unfortunately, this destructive game is not only available in Russia, it has spread across the globe, trapping vulnerable young people into completing daily tasks (self-harming, watching horror movies, and waking up at odd times during the night) for 50 days. The final task on the 50th day is to commit suicide.

Technological solution: Spying on text messages 

Even though teenagers like to believe that they are world-wise and savvy, it is clear that that parents need to monitor what their kids’ online activity before it is too late. Ergo, how do parents keep their children safe by tracking their text communications as well as their social media interactions?

The good news is that it is relatively straightforward to The technology exists and all parents need to do is install a mobile app that runs in the background and uploads the text messages that are sent and received on this phone to an online server. In fact, teens will more than likely forget that the app is running because it does not affect the functionality of the phone at all.

Unfortunately, the caveat here is that there needs to be a constant internet connection for this app to monitor these text messages.  Fortunately, in today’s world regular internet access is no longer the issue it was when the Internet first became popular.

Final words

Once the app has been installed on all of the compatible phones, parents have access to a dashboard or control panel where they can view all of the messages that are sent and received by their children. Finally, should any dubious texts appear on their control panel, parents can take the necessary action (including legal action) to protect their children.