The best gadgets for working on the go

If you either work on the go, or just like to make the most from your morning commute, then you are sure to be interested about gadgets that you can buy to make things easier for you. If you’ve packed up your laptop in your leather macbook pro case or your macbook pro leather sleeve then you’re already half way there – but this list of gadgets may provide you with just the inspiration that you need to be super productive.

A smartphone

Most people own a mobile phone these days, but if you haven’t yet switched to a smartphone then you may well be missing a trick. A smartphone can do many more things than make phone calls and send text messages. They can also allow you to send emails and receive documents, which means that you can get ahead of the game way before you get to the office – something that is vital in a competitive working world.

A tablet

If you like to be able to get some work done while you’re out, then a tablet could be a great thing to buy. There are many different types available on the market, and some allow you to install word processing software, which means that no matter what you need to work on, you will be able to do it while you’re on the go. You also have other options including Bluetooth keyboards, so if you’re one of the many people who don’t like to type on a screen, then this could be just the thing for you.

A dictaphone

If you feel as though you often get your best ideas while you’re travelling, then you may wish that you could record them in some way. While you might consider simply writing them down with a pen and paper, this can be difficult if you are in a crowded train – but a Dictaphone could help with that. Instead of having to write things down, you could instead speak into the device, and then listen to what you said when you get to your desk later in the day. Some even come with transcription software which means that your words could be translated into text, saving even more time!

A portable charger 

Nothing is more frustrating than losing power when you’re working on something, so a portable charger is something that everyone should have. You can even buy cables with a few different charging options, which means that it would work for all of your devices in one – which can be of great benefit if you like to flick seamlessly from screen to screen all day long.

No matter what you are working on, or where you like to work, there is no doubt that portable devices have really changed the way that we are able to do it. With on the go working becoming more popular, it seems to be a great idea to equip yourself with the latest in mobile technology, as this means that you will always have what you need right at your fingertips.