The colorful world of web

Using color effectively to invoke emotion is an art. From famous artists and painters to web design companies, all use colors to get the desired emotional response from their audience. With an almost bottomless depth, the skill of color usage can be improved and refined endlessly.

Why are colors important?

Every color has a meaning. Colors impart a tone and have an emotional impact on people, and that makes them a powerful design tool. The use of color could be broken down into three parts.

  1. Contrast —Every shade of color has a set whose contrast is greater than any other color.
  2. Complementation— Colors aren’t always at odds with each other; complementary colors accent each other and bring out their best, the opposite of contrast.
  3. Vibrancy — Each color evokes specific moods: the brighter warm colors (red, orange, yellow) tend to energize users and make them more alert, while darker cool shades (green, blue, purple) tend to be more relaxing and tranquil.

For example, the news channel CNN uses red to heighten alertness.

One cannot deny the link between emotions and colors. The human race has documented the psychological impact of color since the middle Ages. Good web design companies like harness this impact, since the right colors create the right moods and atmosphere for your website.

The trickiest aspects of working with colors are that sometimes when colors have not yet been arranged in a design, they do not appear to work well together. But once they are applied, their visual harmony usually becomes apparent. And companies such as Hyperweb Communications understand this better than anyone.

Not everyone is a Michelangelo, but a basic understanding of color usage is a solid prerequisite for web design. You can save the trouble of choosing a color scheme for your website; you could just hire professional designing firms like Hyperweb Communications to do it for you. Whatever you do, make sure to make it colorful.