The Key Differences between Shared vs Managed WordPress Hosting

Web hosting / WordPress are one of the main reasons for the success of any website. There are different types of WordPress hosting: – Free WordPress Hosting, Shared, VPS, Dedicated and Managed. In this article, we will compare shared and managed WordPress hosting.

Hosting is an important part of every online business. Making sure you use a plan that best suits your needs are crucial to serving Hosting is an essential part of any online business. Making sure you use a plan that best suits your needs is crucial to serving a fast and secure website for your visitors. As such, the hosting plan you choose can often directly influence the earnings of your website.

The purpose of this article is to compare the shared and managed WordPress hosting.

Shared WordPress hosting

Shared WordPress hosting is a web hosting solution where your site shares the resources of a single web server with multiple websites. And the main benefit of this type of service is that they are available at an affordable rate.

Because many websites use a shared server, these companies can offer hosting services at a lower rate than managed WordPress hosting. 

Anyone considering creating a website should consider using shared WordPress hosting to limit their expenses. In addition, low-traffic websites, personal sites, bloggers, and small businesses should use this type of hosting service.

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Managed WordPress Hosting

Managed WordPress hosting is a type of hosting service that provides the most powerful technology for your WordPress site to ensure your website is safe and fast.

These companies handle problems related to hosting, such as backups, security controls, WordPress update and much more. They also provide Best customer service and solve their problems as quickly as possible.

However, you should note that this service is expensive when compared to shared hosting.

Hence, we recommend managed hosting only for high traffic websites.

Shared WordPress Hosting Pros and Cons


  • Cost: One of the major benefits of using a shared hosting service is that it is cheaper and can be purchased at a price as low as $ 2.75 per month.
  • cPanel:  most companies offer cPanel that facilitates the administration of your website, domains, emails and more.
  • Email accounts: you will get professional email service for free. That means you can set up a commercial email like without spending an extra penny.


  • Slow response time: Your website can load slowly because of the server’s response time compared to a managed WordPress host.
  • Downtime: You may experience frequent downtime with some shared hosting companies.
  • Not suitable for high-traffic sites: Shared hosts are primarily suitable for startups, small businesses, personal sites, or anyone who does not get a lot of traffic.

Managed WordPress Hosting Pros and Cons


  • Daily backups: The files on your website are always secure because managed hosts back up your site and database daily. They also allow you to restore your site.
  • Fast and secure: A managed WordPress host offers the latest technology to make sure your site is fast. They also take care of the security of your WordPress site so that it is safe from hackers and malware.
  • Main updates: they take care of the main updates of WordPress and thus help you to secure your site. Some companies go even further by automatically updating your themes and plug-ins.
  • Support: Managed WordPress hosts provide premium support to their customers. Their staff is aware of WordPress and you can easily contact them if there is a problem.


  • Expensive: One of the major disadvantages of using a managed WordPress hosting service is that it is very expensive compared to shared hosting.
  • Limitations on Certain Plug-ins: These services are primarily aimed at optimizing the speed of your WordPress website. In other words, they do not allow you to use specific plug-ins that may slow down your site.
  • Only WordPress Sites Allowed: Although shared hosting allows you to host whatever website you want including a simple HTML page, a managed hosting company only allows you to host a WordPress site on their server.

Shared vs managed WordPress hosting – which should you choose?

When you choose between shared and managed WordPress hosting, you must pay attention to your site’s requirements. Shared WordPress hosting is the best for new websites that are equipped with very limited features while Managed WordPress hosting is the best choice for all technical things like WordPress security, speed, performance, backup, caching, WordPress software updates, etc.

Even though managed WordPress hosting is too expensive, we want to recommend it for large websites with high traffic because it provides the best hosting services and functions.


We hope this article has helped you to understand the differences between shared and managed WordPress hosting.